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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. This has to be done by someone with a special plumbing license. Most of which won't do the work if you dug it yourself. These fuckers bring in an excavater and have everything done in about 4 hours. If you really want to dig up a 15 foot line, 4-6 feet deep, be my guest.
  2. Holy shit...you paid $900 for the gas line?! I ran mine from my basement, drilled through foundation, had a nice box with shut off put in and everything for $250.
  3. x2. I just had this done at a rental. Have fun man. It was $2,500.
  4. My recommendation would be to try and obtain a job with an E-Verified company so you receive a 13 month extension on your OPT.
  5. Found a cool ass girl that I've been hanging with her for 2 weeks. Just booked a trip to Miami with her for NYE lol. Should be fun.
  6. How about just "RPM"? Reynoldsburg Pickerington Mechanics
  7. It's been announced that our season opener next year vs. Indiana will be a Thursday night game "under the lights". Sounds....exhilarating...
  8. I assume you'll need H1-B sponsorship?
  9. Yeah, but then vouched that he had matured into head coach material. :dumb:
  10. I haven't driven the colt since the day I brought him it lol. Just a quick update: I'm fucking cleaning up. Haven't been single in 6+ years and I've still got it lol. This shit is fun.
  11. I bought an appliance package from Sears and they delivered it free the next day. Tubular. Then went to HD and bought some dumb shit...ratchet straps, shower heads for the rentals, etc.
  12. Beautifully done. Is that hood ornament crooked as fuck, or is that just me?
  13. Jesus lol...these were all great. x2...might be down.
  14. No one is going to notice the brand of your clothing. I worked in the auto industry for 5 years (in HR, so I've interested probably over 500 people) and I've never once looked at the brand of clothing, but rather the appearance. I get the feeling you just wanted to let us know how nice your clothes are, ha!
  15. I am looking for an appliance package for my latest rental. $1500 or so with a side by side fridge. Gas stove.
  16. I think it'll be Alabama, Wisconsin, OSU and Clemson, in that order (assuming OSU wins out). The reason? OSU has the better of 2 losses against Clemson and the better resume. Conference title gets a weak ACC in, but doesn't dictate the order. Oklahoma and Louisville are the ones left on the outside looking in that have a case. Louisville due to SOS and Oklahoma because of 2 losses and a weak Big12 (which is why Wisconsin IS in with a similar scenario). Fuck man, IDK. You can make a case for 6 teams. Washington is out regardless.
  17. Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to ALL of those that have served, are currently serving or will serve in the future.
  18. That sounds intriguing, but I would also assume that they'll only take a certain percent. So in your example, they'd only take 70% of the 20k, not all 100%.
  19. Damn that was awesome man. Probably one of the top ones I've seen to be honest haha. Great job!
  20. I don't believe that's the case...I could be wrong, but Conventional still requires a higher down payment in almost every case. Even if it's 3% vs. 5%, it sounds like the OP doesn't have that extra 2%.
  21. Yup. You'll likely have to front 1.5x the estimated cost of the project (in which you'll have to have a contractor quote you for). The quote comes back at $1,000, you'll have to escrow in $1,500 to cover anything that comes up. Welcome to FHA. They can do this for windows, roofs, paint, cat hair (kidding), etc. I once had to put up $7700 for windows on a house. Did that shit myself for $2200.
  22. Zx2guy19

    Wtb PS4

    If that one doesn't work, my contractor just stole one from one of my tenants house...I'm sure I can put you two in touch and you can get a sweet hookup... I fired him btw.
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