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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. My buddy has this and it's seriously awesome. Mounted the remote on the wall and just unravels it down when him and his fiance are ready to ride. https://www.amazon.com/Garage-Gator-GGR220-220-Pound-Residential/dp/B00260GL1O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1476370338&sr=8-1&keywords=garage+bike+storage+electric+hoist
  2. Alabama, Ohio State, Louisville and Clemson. Alabama and Ohio State avenged their loss, Louisville lost to a good Clemson team and it was early in the season, and Clemson for obvious undefeated reasons. Michigan and TAMU did not play their conference championship game (and as such never got to avenge their loss) and Washington loses to an inferior Utah.
  3. Zx2guy19

    Kodi users

    How do I install a new app?
  4. Zx2guy19

    Kodi users

    I tried to find a movie the other night and a basic sitcom on NBC, tried 15 different streams and went 0/15. Got frustrated and turned it off. What's the deal? This was on Exodus.
  5. Is it still too late to get my vote in for thread of the year?
  6. Zx2guy19


    Damn, that really sucks. I spent at least 2 hours a day on my phone at work, so I could see where that adds up. Luckily we have wi-fi.
  7. Zx2guy19


    Do you guys not have access to Wi-Fi? Again I'm not trying to be a dick, I just don't get it lol.
  8. Zx2guy19


    Just curious, what are you guys doing to use so much data? I listen to Pandora constantly, surf the internet/Facebook and travel for work and constantly have to have email flowing, and I used 5.9 last month (I get 6). So what is sucking all this data?
  9. Interested in body guard details.
  10. I just skipped to the end of this thread, and what do I find? Another argument including you. Dude, you really do think you're smarter than everyone on this forum. It gets exhausting.
  11. Zx2guy19

    Kodi users

    I've been having real shit luck with Kodi lately. Literally couldn't find a basic episode of "this is us" last night.
  12. He did a phenomenal job, looks like a true pro did it. He hung, mudded and sanded everything. Even did my insulation, all for $100. This same dude did the tile in my shower and fucked it up and I never talked to him again lol. Gave him $100 for that one too.
  13. DAMN. I paid an apprentice $100 to do my garage so he could use the pics for his portfolio lol. Didn't realize I got so lucky.
  14. I'll take the driver one! Sorry I just saw your PM.
  15. Yeah man shit, if that's the case I'll buy the whole truck lol.
  16. Dude I totally forgot Miami just made a change with Richt. Previous statement retracted. :gabe:
  17. Agreed, except they haven't fallen off the face of the earth until the last season and a half...remember 2014? Heck they weren't terrible last year either.
  18. I 100% agree. I think a previous powerhouse that has dropped will pick up him. I think places like USC, Penn State or Miami (depending on how they finish the season) will take him. Any school who's willing to take the gamble to return to prominence.
  19. No one here is legit making fun of your disease, we're just fucking with you. Lighten up. I'm sure we all hope you are able to recover/manager whatever it is that you've been diagnosed with.
  20. How are the rockers under the doors? Are those even removable without being cut?
  21. I literally laughed out loud at this lol. Red Rocket, well played my friend.
  22. Detroit really is not that bad. There are areas I truly would not go, just like in Columbus. But like someone else said, they hit rock bottom, so the only place to go is up. Just be smart about where you go. I supported an office in Troy (about 25 minutes north of Detroit...think Westerville type) and it was a beautiful city. I'll never forget: I got off at Big Beaver Road, Exit 69.
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