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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. I think Alabama could walk out in the middle of 5th Ave and shoot someone and not lose any votes. #trump
  2. I get annoyed as fuck with people saying this...it's the world series- I don't have a horse in the race, but I've picked Cleveland and have become a fan FOR THIS SERIES/YEAR. It doesn't mean I'm going to go out and buy a bunch of Cleveland shit, but since the Reds are thumbing their assholes at home, I'll pick a team and root for them. Big deal.
  3. That's a new one...made me LOL
  4. So election day is in 8 days...what are the odds that this shit derails Hillary and we literally have Donald fucking Trump as our president? What happens if Hillary is elected and then convicted? Kaine time? God help us.
  5. It's crazy that he is still of age to be playing in college haha.
  6. Bumble is way better. I have a date tonight with a 34 year old girl I met on a plane to Punta Cana with my ex-wife last year...lol. Should be fun. Have another date with an optometrist tomorrow for lunch (Bumble). Crazy chick was off Tinder.
  7. There have been a couple that I swiped on with no match, only to have them match hours/days later. I get it though. I don't think girls do this because they'd match with 100% of guys. Disclaimer; by 100% i mean non-hamplanets.
  8. That'd be great. My number is 614-309-2158
  9. TinderPros...why the fuck do people match with you, and when you say hi, they don't fucking say anything?! That's annoying as shit. Update: day 4 with no contact from the stage 6 clinger. Ghosting seems to have worked. Help no longer needed.
  10. Exactly. Murray is killing it this year and he plays for the fucking Titans, one of the 5 armpits of the NFL. Zeke is a stud. Of course the offensive line is great, but that doesn't take away from Zeke's greatness.
  11. I have been back and forth about selling the Colt, but I really do love the car and it just needs minor things fixed. The car still has a small oil leak. Nothing like the gaping leak that it had before at the oil pump seal, but enough that I wouldn't take the car to CA and back. What's the easiest way to identify where the leak is coming from? There's just so many fucking parts it's tough to nail down where. Also, the car has like 18 spacers on the calipers, not sure why but there's a beefy gap without them (obviously). Honestly, I'm tired of fucking with both issues. Who wants me to drop it off at their house and have you do the work? I want to drive the car when next season comes around. My plan is to clean up the engine bay and stuff this winter so it's ready to roll for spring. Halp
  12. Literally the only accurate thing you've ever said in this thread.
  13. I'll sell you a 450whp Colt for $4000, $1500 down lol.
  14. Dude that was great lol...send her to a friend and really talk up how "fun" she was. I have a couple people in mind I could pass that to lol.
  15. 5 more FB messages today. I responded. Should have read this first. Send help.
  16. I did block her number and now she's sending me messages on FB. I honestly feel bad.
  17. Haven't heard from her all day. Literally read everyone's responses and she just fucking texted me again. This is unreal. How long does the ghosting take lol
  18. Bros. Fucking help. Newly divorced (6-8 weeks ago) and started banging some girl on Tinder. Crazy in bed, crazy in everyday life. Saw each other for about 3 weeks and I "ended" things Friday. Holy fuck, she is nuts. Called me like 5 times last night, sent me about 40 texts yesterday and j only responded to like 2. This is fun lol
  19. Thanks man, I sent them an email 3 days ago and haven't heard back.
  20. Did you really? I actually don't remember that haha. Either way, I'm pumped for this damn game. I love night games.
  21. Right next to your Obama stash that's still sitting there? :dumb:
  22. Those are beautiful. Yup, 5x120. I bet I can find a similar set though.
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