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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Get the house in contract first. Again, call a RE attorney and they can do that for a couple hundred dollars. Then go through your lender (Marc). Then go through a title company (I prefer PM Title in Grove City...I've closed 10+ deals with them and they're amazing).
  2. That place used to be shady as fuck. It may have turned around as I haven't been there in 7-8 years, but I remember back in the day when they were on West Broad (now on Georgesville) and they were extremely unprofessional.
  3. Edit, just noticed you are looking for these specific shoes haha. I thought those were examples of styles. My bad.
  4. http://Www.dsw.com We carry some big sizes online and you can have them shipped to you or shipped to store for free.
  5. Zx2guy19


    Take the 5 minutes to upload pics.
  6. Pretty disappointed by this launch. I started my smartphone "career" with Android and made the switch to Iphone at the 5, and had that and a currently have a 6. They are so far behind Android technology I'll likely switch back. I love my 6, no issues at all but I want to stay up with the latest and this just doesn't cut it. The headphone jack thing is a fucking joke. Dumbest thing they could have thought of. That's like breeding out an asshole on a dog. Some things are just meant to be there.
  7. Not really a crazy pick...they've talked about that for awhile and we all know the Big 12 wants to expand. If they do, it'll be Houston for sure. I agree. I don't think Houston jumps Michigan but not OSU. One or the other. I think it'll be Houston at 6.
  8. Highly interested. Shoot me a number to text you at.
  9. Because that is the benchmark they use to determine which of the 4 conferences gets into the playoffs. Remember, there are 5 power conferences and only 4 spots. Plus, we have a wildcard this year in Houston. So it will forever be a conference debate, because chances are, most who get in will have 1 loss. So, the tie breaker is schedule, and ultimately conference because that's where majority of games are played.
  10. Thanks Brian, glad you liked it! Another 5 OSU slates just cranked out. She's spending as much time doing this as her regular job. Ha!
  11. LOLSEC. Jive...where u at bruh?
  12. I think we all know Joe is the man when it comes to everything firearms, but he did me a huge favor this weekend. I was given a new role at work that requires about 40% travel and didn't feel comfortable leaving my wife at home that much without some type of gun training. So, about a month ago, I reached out to Joe to see what he could do. Of course, he offered to do a one on one session with her to walk her through the basics. My wife was petrified of guns and refused every time I tried to take her to the range to teach her, but I was able to convince her that Joe is an expert and he'd do it right. All in all, we spent about 2.5 hours with Joe Saturday morning where he went through a comprehensive educational session to get her comfortable with the tool she was using, and then did about a 1.5 hour gun range session where my wife shot her first gun ever (she's never even shot a paintball gun). We had such a great experience and my wife walked away incredibly comfortable (to the point that she was practicing what she learned all weekend with a "finger gun", ha! I have some pics and a couple video's I'll try to upload. Her grouping was incredible for her first time shooting and she even had a perfect bulls eye. Thanks Joe- I feel a lot better after this session!
  13. That has to be the ugliest clean car I've ever seen in my life. I honestly can hardly stand looking at it but somehow can't take my eyes off how clean it is.
  14. Damn what a game tonight. I really like Charlie Strong but don't give a shit about either team, so I pulled for Texas just because of strong. Lol at the idiots saying Texas is back. They might be, but you can't say that shit after 1 game...
  15. Just need a tile saw and power washer now!
  16. Well, today my worst fear came true. Went to my newest rental and it had been broken into and all my tools were stolen. Damn near every power tool I own. Fuck me. I need the following, ASAP: Drill/driver, preferably 20v Powerwasher, gas powered only Miter Saw, preferably a sliding one, 10/12" Tile saw Sawzall, corded and non Circular saw I lost a lot more but this is what I need ASAP. Thanks!
  17. Can't laugh at the SEC without laughing at the B1G...only difference is the SEC pulled it out. And that's coming from a Buckeye homer. Brandon- I echo your pics. Agree with every one of them!
  18. PS: I dropped a transmission from at least 3 feet onto that floor...nothing happened. Still shined like the day I bought it.
  19. We used most of our stuff from Shermin Williams, and honestly, the only thing I remember is: 1) We ground down the floor with a diamond bit sander (never etched) 2) We mixed whatever we were using with Xylene (only remember that because the name was cool) 3) We then threw paint chips on 4) Came back the next day and put a glaze of some sort on Their price is around $4/sq ft.
  20. I used to work for a company called "Columbus Garage Floor Coatings"...I did my own garage at my old house one weekend with their stuff and 4 years later it still looks amazing, even with me working on cars in the garage for 2 of those years. My recommendation? If you want it to look good AND last, pay a company to do it right.
  21. Yeah, that's because 2 posts up he said it was sold haha.
  22. What insurance company was it?
  23. Saw a nice ass RS7 yesterday at Easton. http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y225/chopperman19/IMG_6112_zpsd3apl2v4.jpg
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