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Everything posted by airwg2189

  1. If you won't lose more than $100 by fighting it, I'd fight it. There seems to be a few technicalities on the ticket. IANAL. Anecdotal evidence, but wrong info written on the ticket has gotten me out of a 85 in a 65 on 33 before. Lotta clowns in here with the derp response "u were speedin lol pay up!" don't act like you've never sped before.
  2. I kinda want it to go to Congress so they'll pick Kasich and completely alienate their voterbase and guarantee Democrat supermajority for everything afterwards for the next couple political cycles. The GOP is a fucking idiotic wreck right now. Like him or hate him, Trump is exposing it. They have/had a MASSIVE opportunity to work WITH Trump and damn near guarantee the election, but nooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo. EDIT: FWIW, I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative. Will be voting Trump.
  3. Probably hard to see cars in front of you when you're vaping in your MAD TITE JDM, YO.
  4. I don't think that concept version ever made it to production, at least not at that power. http://www.topspeed.com/cars/mitsubishi/2015-mitsubishi-lancer-evolution-x-final-edition-ar168911.html This did though, and it's only 303hp. Further, it's all shit that came standard on the MR, for the most part. Regardless, the X is heavier than the IX/VIII and the motor isn't nearly as bulletproof as the 4G63. I love turbo 4 bangers but Subaru and Mitsubishi literally killed their own product by making politically correct cars. EDIT: US Final Edition is rated at 291hp, LOL.
  5. I love police chases but there's not a whole lot of skill/car involved in getting away from anything in Europe. They don't chase like (many) American police do. Their vehicles are slower. My 2.5L Jetta would have the same success as this Benz would.
  6. If you're cross-shopping a BMW M4 and a Chevrolet Camaro SS, please just give your money to me so I can buy myself a BMW M3. Seriously, who the hell is cross-shopping these? Sure, a built Colt is faster than a brand new Audi A8, but that's not the point...
  7. My grandparents have a '15 CVT Forester and holy shit is it clunky at low speeds. I would not recommend. It's not a comfortable drive and there is NO pep if you need to slam the gas down low.
  8. I have a Scala G9, but I'm about to upgrade to a G9x. I honestly don't think there's a "best" answer for this - I'd just personally avoid the Skullys and so forth unless you enjoy pissing money away. Just pick what features are best for you (and your crew), whether you want intercom with 1 other, or 9 others. All the top Sena/Scala models should be fine, noise-wise.
  9. +1. Obama's reaction to the race riots of recent has been absolutely nothing short of sickening. If the races were reversed with the Treyvon incident, and we had a white president making comments about justice for (a white) Treyvon, he'd instantly be public enemy #1 and on high alert for assassination. Thank God we've only got 11 more months of this ignorant fuck.
  10. Take your tin foil hat off. Firearms are against the ToS, lmao. Pretty standard across all social media outlets nowadays.
  11. Agreed. I don't see anything other than the tC (and FR-S...) that sells to kids or young adults. Are the hipster microcars supposed to be it? Their market segment is people who forgo buying cars in favor of renting SmartCars around town? People who Uber everywhere? That's dumb as fuck. The young buyers market absolutely wants fun, cheap, practical, reliable cars.
  12. Confused why they're not keeping the tC around. Either I'm blind, or the eye test says that's their best selling model. Gun, meet foot.
  13. I pay $31/month for full coverage $1000 deductibles for my 2008 GSXR 600 through Rider Insurance. Dairyland Insurance is pretty cheap for me as well. Both of these are strictly online companies. Like others said, shop around, bike insurance is weird and no two people will have the same answer for what's cheapest. Progressive is notoriously expensive for bikes, yet I know some people who have gotten killer deals from them.
  14. It's almost as if every girl is different and appreciate/look for/respond to different things. What a revelation.
  15. How about we just stop paying attention to Gawker entirely? Their entire tabloid network is clickbait garbage. I have nothing else to contribute to this thread.
  16. Bump. This thread fucking delivers! MOAR.
  17. Bump for more Tinder nightmares.
  18. Tipping: How employers pawn off the thought of paying a living wage to their employees to their customers. It needs to stop across the board.
  19. Hell if you're anywhere inside of 270 or within 10 miles or so outside, I'll come to your door.
  20. PS, we're both hitting 10s this year! I did some work on my 600, she should make it without question now. Dope build! Hope to get a few highway rolls with you again this year! -Andy, white GSXR 600
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