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Everything posted by airwg2189

  1. You did my buddy Trevor's R6 (blue and green) and my good friend Chris' stunt F4i (purple and highlighter yellow pieces). They both look REALLY good - pictures do not do Trevor's bike any justice, it looks AMAZING in person, and I imagine Chris' F4i will look ridiculous as well. I'll be hitting you up for some work soon myself.
  2. If you get a poker run going, I can get a sizeable group of the Columbus sport bike riders out, if you'd like us involved. I know we'd be down for shop open house days too. To clarify, I'm not talking the Taco Bell parking lot gang trash (although I've been there a few times...), I'm talking folks like Shanton Wilson, Erik Schmelmer, Joe Sutherland, etc.
  3. I really hope this is just coach speak and he just hasn't found a suitable replacement for Tim Beck yet. If it's not, they better keep Warriner in the box all year. We absolutely will get murdered pulling Tim Beck shit next year, without the massive talent pool to bail us out...
  4. Realistically? I expect losses to Oklahoma, Michigan State and Michigan, with a potential fourth to Penn State. It doesn't matter how bad Penn State may be, they always give us a hell of a game, and we're in Happy Valley this year. I won't be mad. I've said it before (and to echo your statement), but this past year was the year we were setting up for all along in the recruiting pipeline. It just so happens we ended up winning the championship a year early. We'll have a winning record, no doubt, but this year will be rough for us. This outgoing team has given us some of the best years in recent Ohio State history. That said, I think we have the potential to be a NY6 team. Urban is one hell of a coach, and we'll still have JT.
  5. Are the saddlebags universal? Will they work on ANY sportbike? 2008 GSXR-600 if it matters. Might be interested, planning on a cross-country trip this year.
  6. Not that it would have made much of a difference, but R1s have never been good drag/roll bikes, and that rider sucked. 1000hp will walk a stock liter bike, but not nearly as badly as this clown got it handed to him. +1 what Geeto67 said.
  7. 8 team playoff would fix that and many other issues.
  8. El Nino must have brought a late heat wave, cuz you got no chill.
  9. I rode my stunt bike yesterday and I'll be riding my street bike to work Friday, and around town Saturday and Sunday (rain pending). So far, I'm loving this El Nino thing, lol.
  10. I think you're an annoying little shit, but he's WAAAAAAY worse than you. You can at least provide some detail to your thoughts. This dude is literally a Walmart fan. #TeamJive
  11. So this was a pretty great weekend of football. Clemson vs. UNC was pretty fun to watch, and Michigan State vs. Iowa was a classic B1G game. Solid victory by the Tide, too. Super excited for the bowl games, and I'll echo Jive in saying I think the winner of Clemson vs. Oklahoma wins it all.
  12. Michigan has a weak running D game, yes, but the offensive playcalling was also a LOT more varied. Did we even have a single slant pass against MSU? We had several against Michigan. Several true read options instead of designed QB draws (again, these almost NEVER work... why the hell do we call 3 in a row?). Attacking more than just the nose tackle. Our defense has been stout all year long, but I'm a firm believer that the MSU game would have been different had our offense opened up like we did against Michigan.
  13. http://www.collegefootballplayoff.com/view-rankings#week-13 I will *still* stand by my statement. -Assuming no chaos, Clemson vs B1G, Alabama vs Oklahoma. Oklahoma's spot, the B1G's spot, and the ACC's spot are guaranteed. There's not really much chaos regardless of who wins the B1G, but I think MSU wins. Sorry Iowa. -If Clemson loses, North Carolina bumps to #4. If Alabama loses and Clemson and Stanford win, Stanford jumps to #4. -If Alabama, Clemson, and Stanford all lose, the B1G sends 2 teams including OSU (this would cause an uproar if Iowa beats MSU and OSU gets the invite). -If Alabama is the only loser this weekend, the playoff committee will get flak from every direction as there isn't a single "right" answer, but I think Stanford gets the nod if they win. If Alabama and Stanford both lose, who the fuck knows. EDIT: If North Carolina wins, Tilley and I are racking up a $100 bar tab and we'll figure out who pays for it when they reveal the playoff.
  14. Let's just start settling in with the idea that we'll probably have 2-3 losses next year. Didn't we all say "I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS AS LONG AS URBIE GETS US A NATTY!" a few years back? Well, here we are. Our team is all but completely new next year, and our staffing is in shambles. We knew for a while that 2015-2016 was the year we were setting up for, although we busted a nut early.
  15. Zero chance in hell that they take a team who didn't even play for a conference championship over a team who did and won, with the same amount of losses. This is exactly how Ohio State got in last year. $100 bet? If UNC wins, and they get in, you give me $100. If UNC wins and does not get in, I will give you $100. If Clemson wins, which is suuuuuper likely, the bet is null.
  16. The loser of the B1GCG gets the Rose Bowl bid. OSU will end up in the Fiesta or Sugar as an at-large pick (likely Fiesta, since $, and that's kinda our BCS home). Playoff will be Oklahoma, B1G winner, ACC winner, and Alabama if they win. If Alabama loses, the committee has a super sketchy situation, in that they'd have to pick from a 2-loss champion or the B1G loser, which would put OSU in the Rose Bowl. Nobody else is really in the picture anymore. All in all, this has been an amazingly dramatic season. Best of luck to the Tide this weekend, Jive. Florida is such a weird team. On paper, Alabama should curbstomp them by like 30 points, but I don't know what's real anymore in college football.
  17. +1 for Justin Adams. And yeah, I'd guess around 2500.
  18. Sadly, I agree. I love the Bucks, but I've got $100 locked in with my friends on Michigan winning it this year. They're hungry, and we're demoralized. Next year, I won't be surprised to see 2-3 losses.
  19. Is there some way that we can fire you from this forum too?
  20. Iowa>Oklahoma>MSU>OSU, Michigan will not get in without a LOT of help.
  21. So assuming the rest of the season goes fairly smoothly, we have a likely playoff of Clemson vs. Oklahoma, and Alabama vs. B1G champion, but let's talk CHAOS. What happens if Oklahoma loses this weekend and Florida upsets Alabama in the SECCG (with respect to Jive, these two events are at the very least, quite possible)? Add in Stanford beating Notre Dame? We could see some crazy things happen like 2 B1G or SEC teams, 2 loss team getting in over a 1 loss team, etc. This Saturday is actually shaping up to be one of the most important Saturdays in the overall CFB landscape in a LONG time, IMO. There's still 10ish teams that could very well land a spot if the cards fall just right. I can't wait.
  22. LSU is making a huge mistake. They're basically saying "If you don't win a national title, you're fired." LSU may be a great school with ease of recruiting, but that's a very unrealistic expectation when you play in the toughest division of college football. Most schools would kill for success like LSU's had. I disagreed with Nebraska's firing of Bo, but at least that program had several character/off-the-field issues to defend their dismissal with. LSU doesn't, as far as I know.
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