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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. I heat the ground floor of my garage with a torpedo heater when I need to....assuming that would be a dangerous practice around paint though? Or maybe you could heat it up for a couple days so the pad gets warm and then cut it off for the painting?


    You maybe on to something. To help cure it(hilly billy style), I am thinking several smaller heaters zip tied to the garage door tracks/rails at the ceiling.

  2. In my white dave chappelle voice:

    I am amazed at how the times of rotary powered drag cars has dropped recently. Within a year, they eclipsed the 6 second barrier in the quarter mile. Now they have managed to shave off a half second off what was thought to be an impossible goal of reaching 6.99 quarter mile time.

  3. The cliff notes basically is young guy joins CR. He daily goes on and on about I own a company, a house, lots of cars, guns, etc. He has managed to get banned for a few days and piss off a good portion of the board within a week or two of joining.
  4. Yet you are roomates with this fuck... Are yo Lu the fuck stick whose mom had to pick him up from the meets this summer? I hope that isnt u


    I thought Ringo had his own company, house, a laundry list of cars and he has room mates?

  5. What pissed me of was driving by the new 32 million dollar school that was just built after I voted yesterday. The fucking thing looks like a resort, tons of windows, all brick, metal roof, fancy landscaping, all groung floor no second floor. It honestly looks like a resort not a school. This is the kind of waste in the school system that sours peoples attitude and detracts from were the money should be going.


    Ding ding ding. We have a winner. Towns will want more taxes for education and build schools that look like a dam college campus. I can't even imagine the cost of just cutting the grass at some of these places. Kids can be successful from normal public schools, there parents just have to be willing to put in the time to make it work or they can pay for a private education if it's so important to them.

  6. I don't use smart phones. There is nothing that important online for me to have to use the internet on my phone. I like cheap phones that you can drop down stairs, they split, put them back together, and they work fine. There was a cheap nokia from the mid 2000's that you could get soaking wet, let it dry outside on a fence, and the dam thing would still work.
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