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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. I was teaching tennis and most of my kids were seniors in high school. So i knew in 4 months or less I would be screwed. The economy sucked big time there and even though I had two girls in the top 120 in the nation, the chances of me picking up clients was slim. I also wanted to go back to grad school, the problem is the University of Hawaii is all day time and I would have to find a job at night, which any job was hard to find. Plus, the I went to University of Hawaii for their computer science masters program for a few weeks and it was a complete joke. I dropped out because I wan't about to spend 30-50k for a bs education. When I met my wife, she was able to transfer to Columbus with the same company and we could rent our her sisters town home. So I even though I really didn't want to leave, I jumped on a plane having no idea what the hell to expect. I just knew that Ohio had more schools and the economy had to better. I had the time of my life but at some point you have to make sacrifices. My older daughter is still there and once I finally get into grad school and finish, I am seriously considering moving back. Yes Hawaii is expensive, but from my limited experience the economy in Columbus doesn't justify the weather. I have meet some great people here, I just got spoiled working my hours and making good money. We'll see once I get out of school, but that won't be for some time.
  2. I forgot, drive Tantalus on Oahu. It's a windy road through a rain forest that has views that you can see half the dam island. Plus, its a legendary road. Drive it and you will see why people do timed midnight runs on it.
  3. I lived in Hawaii for most of my life and I was lucky enough to travel most the islands for junior tournaments probally 10 or more times each. I would recommend not going to Makaha because that means going through Waianae. That part of the island has a horrible homeless problem on the beach. You will drive for over an hour to find out the beaches are covered by people living in blue tarp tents. Also, your not from there so it can iffy for tourist and military out there.


    Hilo, is nice, but there isn't shit else to do besides the Volcano National Park and a water fall here and there. There are no beaches and everything closes early. I would personally blow a day or two on Kaui before Hilo. The Volcano National Park takes alot of dam driving and it wears you down. It's nice to see, but you will need two days to catch it a good part of it. The only way you won't be worn down is if you stay over. So you can spend the last two days there if you want.

    I came up with a ball-park schedule of what I would do if I went back there for a trip that was a family trip.


    Day 1:

    The Laie point idea is great. That part of the island is beautify. If you keep driving, you will end up at Kaneohe and Kaliua. That drive alone is hard to capture in words. I would start off early in the morning and hike Kaena point on the North Shore. I would recommend stopping at a beach on the north shore. Then keep driving through the North Shore, onto Laie, and finish the night in Kaneohe. There is a stupid good shrimp place in Kahuku, which is right before Laie. Grab lunch at the shrimp place and find some dinner in Kaneohe. If you are there when the waves are up, it will be worth it just to drive to various beaches up there to check it out.

    Day 3:

    Hike Diamond Head or Koko Head Creater in the morning. Then grab lunch somewhere in Waikiki. There is a great local place right across the Honolulu Zoo on the corner. It's on the second floor and over looks the beach. After, drive to Kailua Beach area. The drive alone is amazing.

    Day 4-8: Maui

    Everything in Maui is beautiful. Wailuku or Lahina is a can't miss. Lahina is alittle more touristy, but no where near as much as Waikiki. Maui, has in my opinion the best beaches overall for any island in Hawaii.

    Days 9-10:

    Come back to Oahu. If you don't mind hole in the wall places, you can find bead and breakfast places in Nuuanu Valley that sit in a valley. Make sure to check out Koolina Resort. There is a great beach there. There is also a great Hawaiian restaraunt in Kapolei. I can't remember the dam name. There is alot of restaraunts in Kaploei area. You can spend the last two days, just lounging at various beaches. I would make sure to check out Mai Tai Bar in the Ala Moana Shopping Mall outside Waikiki. They have the best chop steak on the island. Plus the pitchers are cheap.


    One thing to remember, if you think Waikiki is expensive...wait to you get on the outer islands. I wouldn't be surprised if gas is 4.50-5 a gallon. The local plate lunch places can save you money because any sit down place in Waikiki is going to cost you 30-40 bucks. You do that 2-3 times and day and it add up. The Vietamiese(sp) Pho places are cheap and takes good. Last thing, make sure you hit up the Curry House in Pearl Kai. It's 5 minutes from Pearl Harbor and it's a can't miss. It will cost 15 bucks at most for both of you. It's taste pretty good and you can be in and out in 30-45 min at the very most.


    The helicopter tours are nice, but those fuckers crash a kill and few people a year. The inter-island flights are easy and convenient. Maui is 20 minutes at most and the big island is 40 I think. The parasailing in Waikiki is worth the money.


    Sorry for the rambling, but Hawaii and there is so much to fit it.

  4. for myself, drinking/drugs at home can make you an addict quick because it's apart of your normal everyday life. There has been a few times when I was blacking out driving, so I pulled over and passed out in the back seat.
  5. Is there an upcoming DSM shoot out in Ohio coming up? John Sheppard is back racing and apparently he will be at the event shooting for a 7.5 at the event. He put down a 8.0 without his 150-200 shot of nitrous over the weekend. Grant it, I am not a DSM follower, but it's worth the drive to watch a guy of that caliber.
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