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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. Gadhafi is only dead because he was bold enough to want to introduce an african gold currency and dump the dollar in Africa for buying oil.
  2. Lol. Not surprised. When I searched supra drift only 13 responses came up and none of them were that video. BTW, I'm still waiting for the link that shows it was already on this forum.
  3. Great video. I'm surprised they haven't starting taking valuable goods from other countries because they can't pay the money they owe
  4. Farkas, I thought your white car was gone because of a nasty pot hole?
  5. I could easily fit a rear facing seat with a base in a MKII Supra. It was super easy getting the little one in and out. Also, because the trunk area sits up high, it was easy for the wifey to get stuff out.
  6. Looks like he passed away.
  7. Even though it's late, congradulations on the newborn.
  8. I have to agree with you on Matt Darey and corsten.
  9. My At&t has been fine along with my wireless internet. You should ask for a discount.
  10. A mx83 Toyota Cressida would be perfect. It's four door, good balance, and a big trunk. The w58 and R154 transmissions bolt in. Any of Toyota's inline 6 cylinder engines bolt in and you drop in a 1uz with custom mounts.
  11. I think that gets a pass from the repost police.
  12. good shit. It just needs Black Moon or B-Reel it would be over the top.
  13. I would suggest going over to the turbo-mopar forums. They are the old school Dodge 8 valve and Spirit R/T turbo 4 cylinders crowd. They would be worth a shot to help you trouble shoot.
  14. can the e30's come AWD.
  15. Nice choice on the rims. Those belong on 240's and mx83 cressida's.
  16. You're right about the lack of proof of insurance. I was blown away here when I moved here that you didn't need or the yearly inspections.
  17. good point. Find out where the dude lives and make a complaint that illegals are living there. Didn't they just do an illegal immigrant pick up in Ohio? Everywhere that fuckers moves do file a complaint. His families residence and everything.
  18. I have to say fail post, why were looking at male actor pics?
  19. it's pretty bad when I am racist against myself. lol
  20. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/shag-albums-shags-pics-picture44066-wambulance1239933752.jpg
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