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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. I have to say your trolling for those earned an A+. good shit.
  2. this is my favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFAsTTdk4AU&feature=related
  4. I wonder if the dolphin was just shocked because it made a fart bubble.
  5. Firing AK's driving down the road and pulling three lane + drifts is taking it to another level. Yes they are tools for pulling it next to a bus. At the same time it was impressive control of a car.
  6. Nothing new. He has nothing on the main MC from Black Moon, Common with "I use to love her", anything by Erick B, Andre 3000, or even biz markie's unreleased singles. It's nothing more than saying whatever bs to come up with a word to make a rhyme. Considering the amount of time Little Wayne spends in the studio, I expect better.
  7. Mine is a toss up: old school vw 2332 turbo with straight-cut gears, 2j with open down pipe, and any big block with a big cam idling past me
  8. or "to live life a quarter mile at a time" in Vin Diesel voice.
  9. I just got hired. I just have to do the whole background check, etc.... I am currently working with a company, but I know that I can only go so far with them. BTW, thanks for posting the position!!! I had stopped looking for other jobs thinking that I am in a stable position and now I can focus on getting into grad school. Then, you posted it and I started thinking about getting my foot in the door now.
  10. My interview is today at 2:30. They are still interviewing since there is a new training class coming up in early October.
  11. It's in better shape than I expected.
  12. Holy shit thats packed. What event was that?
  13. I would check the phone logs to see if there was communication before. If there were text, there should be copies of everything if she wasn't hiding anything.
  14. I am not trying to scare you, but you are going to throw a rod bearing and need a new crank possibly if you don't get it fixed. I agree, that you more than likely have a boost leak. Replace your vacuum lines and see what happens.
  15. Also, they get to attend a school when most of them can barely pass at a hole in the wall community college.
  16. Considering the shit mess that the football team has gone through, how are these 3 guys still even there? OSU should have cut them from the team and fired the athletic director.
  17. Farkas, I have to disagree with you on Carl Cox being a house dj primarily. This is classic carl cox at festivals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h6gAU68EoM&feature=related You are dead on about dub coming from DnB.
  18. psss. There is probally alcohol at a gay bar, shit there taking over the world.
  19. Not sure, but I will guess they are different descendants from popping in break dancing. "liquid" is a dance style that was found in the raves in the 90's in later. It eventually expanded and has morphed into what you see many of today's R&B singers doing today. Dub stepping is an offshoot of liquid. While I will take a guess that crip walking is straight from the West Coast rap movement in the 90's. I could be way off, but it was worth a shot.
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