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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. What we know as common sense comes from common experience and knowledge, and people at different Socioeconomic and geographic locations are going to have different experiences and different knowledge.


    The point of my comment (which you and Diamonds seem to miss) is to address those that say she lacks common sense and doesn't deserve some empathy because of it. Clearly this was an accident, she made a bad call based on a lack of information/experience, and there isn't a point in berating her for a bad situation.


    As for rural people in Louisiana, I want everyone to have access to good education, what's wrong with that? in order to work at resolving an issue you have to recognize the issue and what are root causes and what are symptoms.


    Wait: I'm doing this wrong, I'm trying to address you with logic, reason, and compassion. I need to talk to you on terms you understand, got it now: Fuck your feelings, and don't have such a victim mentality that your state's public schools suck. That's what want to hear right? I mean you've said it often enough in the past so it should make sense to you now.


    classy gonna classy.

  2. yea makes sense. I've been keep an eye on properties in the bradenton, fl area since the bolleteri/img tenns academy is down there and things are definitely not cheap. great advice regarding budget with the vacation rentals. I cant tell how many times at work, a younger kid will have 1k rent, 500 car payment, insurance, etc and be making 16 bucks an hour. then of course down the road, they dont have money to get anything fixed.
  3. Mallard is right its either how the system is setup or to the extreme the hedge funds used ever trick they had to get the biden administration and feds to help them reduce there losses at the cost of average joe.


    If this same situation happened with the previous admin..... holy hell the daily melt down tears from cnn would have hit a whole new level. The orange man is bad crew would have typed so hard making post that finger tips would be bleeding.

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