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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. I think I would have been on the phone immediately telling the police that this guy is about to leave the lot and maybe they get there before he leaves. You also tell the guy that you just called the police, and that may restrain him (mentally) from leaving the lot or driving away......I agree that trying to stop a drunk person from doing something is like trying to catch a pig in a pig pen.... I think we play 'what-ifs' all day, but hopefully we all think about this for the next time we all see this situation and stop it....
  2. Yea, going to have to 100% disagree with you there.... 1) Drunk ass should not be behind the wheel 2) Drunk ass should not be behind the wheel 3) Drunk ass should not be behind the wheel Just imagine, it's 2-3 am, that lady was perhaps driving home from a 3rd shift, coming back from a friends house, is probably tired, has her guard down, and is not expecting some fucking idiot to get drunk, get behind the wheel, and just turn into you at an intersection....I'd say I sympathize with her.....
  3. http://www.theonion.com/articles/38yearold-little-boy-posts-picture-of-fast-car-he,30631/
  4. NSFW - LANGUAGE I think these guys should have done something more than shooting video to make sure his car doesn't get hit, but hindsight is most certainly 20/20 in this instance. This guy in the Jeep is fucking moron and I hope he gets the book thrown at him.
  5. http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/730195/84400470.gif http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/730195/84400474.gif
  6. Awesome. Can't wait to hear if it's better
  7. Very nice. Preventative maintenance is key!
  8. No, he doesn't go with me yet. We do have a Burley Bee http://www.burley.com/shop/images/2014_bee-on-bike-21-transparent-bike.jpeg And I have taken him with me on training rides before. He fell asleep on the last long ride I took him on. That thing looks really cool though! Thanks for sharing :thumbup:
  9. Another +1 for Fleet Feet. Just started running again as well. Fleet Feet will actually video you while running on a treadmill and then show you in slow motion whether you pronate (under/over) or run neutral and then start fitting shoes from there. I just bought a new pair about 2 weeks ago and got the Saucony Ride 7's. I run neutral with a leading heel strike, and the shoes feel like i'm wearing nothing, so definitely get over there and at least get fitted and go through the experience of seeing what it feels like. As for your calves, that's a new one I've heard. I've heard of shin splints, but not this. My best guess would be dehydrated muscles. Also, get alot of potassium in your body for the sore muscles. If you're body feels thirsty, then you're already dehydrated. The day before your next run try and drink so much water that you are pissing clear all day and eat some bananas or cantalope (both high in potassium) and see how you feel. Also make sure you get a good stretch in on WARM muscles. Jog for about 1/4 mile with one little 80% sprint at the end and then get a good stretch. From there do your run and see how you feel. Just some ideas to try.
  10. Thanks, good luck to you too. 100 miles is no east feat. The last 10-15 miles are quite hilly, so be ready.
  11. Eddie Hall - 462 KG / 1018.5 Pounds - World Record Dead Lift @ Arnold Australia
  12. http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb252/Ronnies_Pets/smileys%20emoticons/bowing.gif
  13. Man, this guy sure is a little shit for doing this..... He must be a browns fan..... It seems like the police keep pushing and pushing and pushing for answers, but can't find any...... I hope these pictures help to squeeze out the culprit who's doing this..... It sounds like the news station is just dumping alot of of pictures, but nothing is coming out on their end.... This guy must thinks he's pretty hot shit getting away with this each time.... How much dip would a dipshit shit if a dipshit could shit dip :drops mic walks off stage:
  14. Short Interview with May --> https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1440262669354252
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