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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. Drive by it almost everyday. 2 miles from my house....crazy
  2. For those videos that are cool, but don't have a home in the LOL thread or somewhere else, and so we don't have to start a new thread for every 'cool' video there is to share out there. Didn't see anything of this nature in this section. We can start off with some sexy stems....
  3. Have bought many tools on here, including Snap On Dual 80's for about 40-50% list price http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=9
  4. The first rule of slap club is....you don't talk about slap club
  5. surprised someone didn't run over and try to suck his dick when he got out of the car, like that guy with the camera rig geez, people...relax
  6. Not to mention when Jones manscapes in the family room.....yup, you can't unsee that in your head now :gone:
  7. Dyson DC65 Animal Complete. We had another Dyson before that for about 7 years and the carpet company asked to borrow to clean up after installing it and killed it somehow, so they bought us the latest comparable model, which is the DC65. It's quite nice, gets all the animal hair up, easy to empty, detachable hose is a little 'fumbly' to use, but it works well for cleaning stairs w/ the attachment or for doing baseboards. I also like the pivot ball it has on it, so you can turn corners with it by just turning your wrist. Unfortunately, I have heard some of the 'low end' models of the Dysons are not all that great, and you need to usually step-up to the Cadillac versions to get the better quality. Just my .02
  8. Back in August, we put our house on the Market on a Thursday, had a showing and offer on Friday, and then 2 more on Saturday. By Sunday we had a bidding war and $10k over our asking with a signed offer by Monday. Depending on the part of town, houses are selling quickly this year. My only advice is maybe take down those party lights in the morning room. Good luck!
  9. http://emojipedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/23-face-with-tears-of-joy.png
  10. http://halfelf.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/07/Bro-Hug.jpg
  11. They're so angry.... Nice cover, though. Can't go wrong with the B-boys
  12. No worries, I'm easy going. Just let me know when you're headed to an event and I'll try and be there to help out.....
  13. Seek first to understand, then to be understood I don't typically instruct WHILE you are driving, for me, I do better at letting you take your run and then instructing/coaching in-between runs while I have your full attention and then letting you apply that coaching to subsequent runs and building upon that throughout the day :thumbup: Ask Jones and Aaron, it works better that way, IMO.....
  14. Of course. Any of us would. I don't know ASL, so not sure how we would communicate, unless you are really good at reading lips.
  15. He means for HPDE's (Mid-Ohio, etc) not Autocross.
  16. If you are doing SCCA just make sure it is a Snell Approved (not just DOT approved) helmet. Can be M or SA and needs to be M2010 or SA2010 or newer...2005 will work for this year, but will expire at the end of this year, so no use in buying a 2005 to use for one year. Both of these are competitively priced websites for helmets. http://www.soloperformance.com/Helmets-and-Accessories_c_13.html http://www.soloracer.com/helmets.html If you click this link, and then click on the certification (SA2010, M2015, M2010) it will list EVERY helmet and EVERY brand that has that rating attached to it, so you are absolutely sure. But always look for the hologram sticker on the inside just to be safe. It may be hidden under padding in the helmet, so you may have to pull some of the padding out to find it. http://www.smf.org/cert Would look like this http://www.smf.org/images/decals/m2010decal.jpg http://i01.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/031/740/507/507740031_473.jpg
  17. Yes, sign up. You would benefit, Aaron. If not, just for the all day seat time, but getting some good tips along the way. Basically, they set-up different elements of an Autocross course and you do those elements by themselves all day...and then we put them all together at the end of the day. It really breaks everything down. Details will come once it gets closer about signing up. I want to teach, but we will see. Beth is due on the 11th of April, so we'll see where we are then and if I can get away for the day. I enjoy teaching more than driving sometimes... You are allowed to request certain instructors too, if you like. They can't always guarantee the match-up, but 80-90% you can get who you want if you know who is instructing ahead of time.
  18. This ^^ I've taught at the last 3 schools we had. One on one with an instructor all day for about $50 usually. Great way to take the step past whatever stage you are in driving skill :thumbup: Money and a car to drive (there are loaner helmets available for SCCA events)
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