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Posts posted by bmwohio

  1. I caught the spelling at first but I didn't catch right away that it had the mustang logo on it.


    I think my brother found it online and ordered it this morning.


    Haha, nice...yea, I noticed both...got a link for the shirt?


    87 octane and Jiffy Lube had me laughing...oh and...I pay for most of my gas.....


    EDIT: Nevermind :Dhttp://www.redbubble.com/people/deadmooserunner/works/14113695-funny-ferrari-shirt?grid_pos=1&p=t-shirt&ref=shop_grid

  2. Awesome job man. I highly recommend you look into a more sustainable diet- I see it so often that people go from one extreme to the next and fall off the wagon because they get so burnt out on the same shit.


    Make the new diet just as interesting and tasty as the old stuff you ate. I HIGHLY recommend you take a look at the Youtube channel "Fitmencook" and check out Kevin's site at http://www.fitmentcook.com. I make his recipes all the time and it keeps my diet interesting. Otherwise, you'll hate this shit.


    Keep it going, it'll be worth it in the end!


    Awesome channel! Subscribed! I'm going to make those enchiladas tonight! ^^^


    BTW, you put a 't' in that link, so it's a dead link....

  3. This is true. A person has to want to change. Up until August 2012 I was a heavy drinker. Looking back it was a problem, at the time I was abusing booze. I haven't had a drop since August 14th 2012 when I woke up in ICU at Grant hospital after crashing my car is a blackout running from the police for no fucking reason. When I woke up and spent 14 days in hospital and 14 in jail I decided I never drink again. That was my rock bottom.


    Your family member needs to hit rock bottom. He needs to want the change. If anyone of you is enabling they will continue. Cut them off. Have everyone cut them off. Quit trying to help and it will push them further.


    Good for you for changing....the only problem with the 'rock bottom' theory is some people don't survive the 'rock bottom' moment.....You're lucky to have made it out alive....


    OP, maybe you're friend needs to sit down and hear some 'rock bottom' stories like these, before he experiences one himself, and who knows if he will be around after he gets there.


    Not sure if you can get a group of all those people, along with friends and family, in one room and do some type of intervention, but maybe you're at that point.....


    I don't know your friend, but if he is a big dude, you will need other big dudes to keep him there if you go the 'intervention' route.......and if he's married or has kids, then sometimes it's easier to keep him there to listen.


    Everyone has their 'turning point' but it is surely different for all people....


    Good luck with it......

  4. I know a lot of what I lost was water weight, but I don't feel so bloated anymore. My stomach was like a rock before, now it's not nearly as hard. I am prepared to plateau at some point, but will continue doing what I am doing now. I haven't picked up a weight in 12 years, so I am pretty happy with my numbers on each lift. Every time out I have put up more weight than the previous time. Today for instance I did a set of 8 leg presses at 550lbs, last week was 505 8 times. The diet has been the most difficult thing for me as I am not a fan of vegetables, however I am a fan of living longer and enjoying my son. I got to the point where I was unable to really play with him because I was tired, my back hurt and I was lazy basically. My wife signed us up for a 5k in July with some friends, so once the weather breaks I will begin training for that. We live 30 seconds away from the bike path, so I really have no excuse not to use it to my advantage.


    Dude! Even more motivation to keep this joirney going (your wife and son). I have a 3 year old son and a little girl on the way in April, and that is my biggest motivation each time I need to push out that extra rep. or do that last 10 minutes of boring ass cardio!


    If you're trying to lose weight, try to concentrate more on higher reps (12-15). If you go too heavy, too quick, you're going to start hurting things. Just friendly advice.


    Also, get yourself a workout journal, so you can track your weight, reps, sets, and even how you're feeling each day. I know it sounds corny, but it's helped me figure out what works and what doesn't as well as, what I should be eating before a workout (If I'm getting light headed or have enough energy to get through a workout). When you start cutting calories and such, you need to make sure you know what works. I made my own, but the east button is a Fitbook. http://www.getfitbook.com/fitbook-p/ftbk-black-red-001.htm


    Again, just my .02 of knowing what works and what doesn't for me YMMV

  5. WOW! That much progress in 14 days is awesome!!


    Remember, that it's 70% diet and 30% working out. So, keep that diet on point and you will continue to succeed. I'm on a similar journey as you, trying to lose about 20 pounds. Been going to the gym about 4 times a week and have completely changed my diet as well.


    Keep it up, man...I've been feeling SO much better on a day to day basis, as I'm sure you have too.


    Just remember the smaller you get and more in shape you get, the harder it will be to keep losing weight like you did in the first 14 days, so DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!


    I love seeing these threads in here, seriously awesome job :thumbup:

  6. Agree with the bathroom.


    Couple other comments:


    How much longer do you plan to stay in the house? Are you looking to sell soon, or plant roots for a few years. Just make sure you don't 'over-improve' the house compared to the comps in the area.


    If your house currently resides in the top 10% of value before you do reno, make sure you know you won't get everything back if that pushes you to the top of the list for most expensive house on the block.


    Just a few things to keep in mind when you're picking finishes and such for whatever remodel to you decide to do.


    Good luck! It can be fun and stressful all at the same time :thumbup:

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