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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. YES! Get to work, Andy! I'll start some material for you
  2. Just ordered dinner on line for pick up tonight. $5.75 for dinner...thanks!
  3. *pedal pedal pedal*.....f*&k it! floor it!!!
  4. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/good-good-let-the-butthurt-flow-through-you.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aVZgT.gif http://cdn.diply.com/img/df1c6cf7-29d9-4284-9d53-361962d3eca2.jpg
  5. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Snow+Broom
  6. When I used to sell cars, these would clear a car off in about 1 minute...if that... http://www.roofrake.com/Productpages/ProductImages/SnowBrum1.jpg
  7. ^^ http://reactiongifs.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Miley-Cyrus-surprised.gif Part 2 (that's a ole' whiskey tango foxtrot)
  8. 1/2 hour left in ST race...good action so far...Rain is on the way too, should make things interesting.... http://www.weather.com/weather/map/interactive/l/USFL0106:1:US?interactiveMapLayer=radar&baseMap=r
  9. Enjoy! http://www.fanschoice.tv/watch-live/imsa/tudor
  10. I am doing a similar project and decided to go with MailChimp. I'm emailing about 2600 contacts. You need to use a service because too many bounces from your email or too much stuff marked as spam and you get blacklisted. Mass email should always take place using some other SMTP. If you're mass emailing 50 people you know (like maybe they're fellow country club members ), it's one thing, if you are actually trying to market to a list of leads, it's risky. Use a service....my .02
  11. MK VI is a fun car. Intake, downpipe, and a Stage II from APR and that will make for one fun DD.....or stock with a Stage I is nice too.
  12. I miss 80's montage music.....^^ Good ole Scarface
  13. Ok, One final update from the 2014 season...... We had out OVR Annual Awards banquet last week, and the new racecar won me 'Driver Of the Year' for the region, which I was pretty humbled to receive. Also won the Board of Directors' Award for my contribution as Solo Chair over the past 4 years. Pretty cool awards, and I had no idea I was receiving either of them....that is all...
  14. http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/70db76f4164dc941463ffa6d8787698a/200908143/power-wheels-mustang-drift-o.gif http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/fd/fd8c3b5c27ca5ff5864e7192efd28a09fa39593e1a393b568d1d9f43471048db.jpg
  15. friend is up at the show today
  16. Maybe she thought she was playing GTA?
  17. That's awesome. Must be awesome to run around with your kids again without getting winded. Great example for the little ones, even though you may not know it. Congrats!
  18. Maybe these guys are available to 'fix' it for you
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