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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. Fun course over the weekend with lots of elevation change. I am almost there getting the car dialed in, as I am keeping consistent with the hot shoes in our club. Toledo Pro Solo is at the end of this month, so the REAL test will come then.... Here is my fastest run from Sunday:
  2. OK, I am officially signed up for 2 National Tour Pro Solo's coming up at the end of June and July. I am very excited for these events, as these are probably my favorites all year..... A Pro Solo is an autocross that has a 'Drag Race' start with a Christmas tree,reaction time and 60 ft times. There is a left side and right side course, which are mirrored to duplicate each other. At the end of the weekend you take your best time from each side of the course and add them together to determine a winner and the rankings for the class. Here is a cool video from a Pro Solo earlier this year in Texas, that gives you a feel for what the atmosphere is like.....I can tell you it is like nothing else I've ever experienced in Autocross.
  3. Points event 3 this past weekend
  4. Finally got around to doing the data overlay on my Top Pax run from 2 weeks ago......
  5. Getting to know the car a little bit better now. Beautiful day this past Sunday at OSU for our event. The 'drag race' start (as you'll see in the video) meant that I had a sheer disadvantage right from the start, as my car will not out accelerate a highly prepped 3.0 E46 on Hoosiers, a GT3 on Hoosiers, and a Street Mod STI.......this is the reason most national course have a turn right at the start, so this doesn't happen....... Took 4th in the class behind those 3 and 6th over all in PAX. Was able to get some good data this past weekend too trying some different damper settings, tire pressures, and 'lines' on course. Class results --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/uploads/ax_results/2014/03_fin_2014-05-25.htm#PAX PAX results --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/uploads/ax_results/2014/03_pax_2014-05-25.htm My fastest run:
  6. Hmmm, just down the street from my house. Would be eager to hear details as well....
  7. Yes, the store on Summit street is their only 'brick and mortar' store now....
  8. looks good....curious what the black shield with mesh is over the alternator?
  9. Data says my fastest on course was the hole shot from the start up to 57.4 mph...and I got back up into the 50's a couple of times....I would say average on course is around 40-45 mph....
  10. Well, the car took it's first Top PAX this past weekend at the SCCA Great Lakes Divsional Event at Ackerman. I had some alignment changes made this past week and took some camber out of the rear and the car felt much better. The car still isn't perfect, but definitely much better from when I started this season. I'm going to continue to test different 'tweaks' to get it ready for the Toledo Pro Solo at the end of June. Here's the class and Pax results from the event. Class --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/uploads/ax_results/2014/02_fin_2014-05-17.htm PAX --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/uploads/ax_results/2014/02_pax_2014-05-17.htm Here's the winning run:
  11. Doc, you need to buy this and keep that plate :-)
  12. Bar is about 6 months old and has seen very little use. Selling because it does not work for my particular set up. Will include Greasable polyurethane bushings and heavy duty mounts. Link to description --> https://www.hotchkis.net/bmw_e36_front_sway_bar.html Bar will fit: 1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 BMW E36 Coupe or Sedan 1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 BMW E36 M3 MSRP = $339.95 My selling price = $250 I live in Westerville and work in Hilliard, so I can meet in those areas Will ship at buyer's expense. http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/E36%20STX%20build/7451286C-49B4-4960-AD57-3C0DBD7E8AED_zpsdgd3njjq.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/E36%20STX%20build/2980B135-3ACD-45FD-B64E-84F2690912AD_zpspjgylh4b.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/E36%20STX%20build/ADEA8A54-7469-43DB-9F06-8F415568CB46_zpsb0e9va15.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/E36%20STX%20build/C9CE4B32-F561-48C0-ACB1-383C780A57B6_zpshbl5tkpu.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/E36%20STX%20build/93588452-7427-499F-866B-DA04AF0A3028_zpsojzecs92.jpg
  13. Thanks for jinxing it, ya jerk :lolguy: Unfortunately, this event didn't go as well as I would have wanted it. Since the last event, I corner balanced the car, and also dropped the rear in the process for proper rake. It seems as though I have too much grip in the rear and the car is pushing really bad. I have talked with quite a few folks whom I trust and can bounce ideas off of about the set-up and I am going to try and tweak the alignment a little to see if that helps. Here is my fastest run from this past Saturday, and you can see in quite a few spots where the front end will NOT grip, no matter how smooth or wide of a line I took. Have another event this weekend (however on asphalt and not concrete) to give it another go. Need to get the car dialed in pretty well before the Toledo Pro at the end of June.
  14. So I've had a chance to 'shakedown' the car a couple of times, and got a good feel for the car on a 'tighter' course when we set-up at IFO.....I've determined the front bar I have is just a little too big. It's a Hotchkis 33.4 MM hollow front bar, which makes the front end a little stiffer than I want (and the car wants). The car feels GREAT on really fast slaloms, and switchbacks, but as soon as you try to get around a decreasing radius sweeper, or a mid to slow speed tight turn it wants to PUUUUUUUSH......Granted, these cars tend to push anyway, but the tires just aren't getting to roll over enough to take a 'set' on the slow speed turns and sweepers. So I went with an H&R 28mm 2 way adjustable bar. This is a very similar bar to the one I had on my M3, so I feel confident that this will help me get the car set a little better in some turns. http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/E36%20STX%20build/E2B52CED-CE2A-4E1B-9CD7-46457144903D_zpstul7ii52.jpg Headed to the Toledo Express Airport Tomorrow for a pretty decent sized event....22 signed up in STX so far...... I'll post up some video after the weekend. That is all, hope everyone has a good weekend!
  15. Tire trailer for the track Similar to this...not completely out of the ordinary
  16. Dude! Nice! Do you have a DIY you could share with me? I totally need to do this to my sons car
  17. http://www.preparednesspro.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/cringe1.jpg
  18. Nice pick up, looks like a fun car http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--4sw2v9rl--/712941307803518277.gif
  19. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.698022656926571.1073741878.105627516166091&type=1
  20. Not sure of your budget, but Costco has Hero 3 Blacks for $329 right now
  21. Doc, nice collection of cars...I saw you rolling in bright and early. This pretty much sums up the day for me http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0358/2273/products/dogebomblol.jpg?v=1393011227
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