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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. How big of a MicroSD do you have/need to be sufficient enough for use for this set-up?
  2. Yup, that happened to my friends who were having a baby at St. Annes. They were in there for a few days during the delivery/etc and he came out to start his 4Runner to go pick up his wife and newborn daughter at the door and you know the rest of the story....instant straight pipes....:fuuuu:
  3. Sounds fishy to me....Did you see evidence of anyone else's car broken into or just yours? Also, do you usually 'bump' coming into the lot? When I used to have subs, I would always turn down before I entered a lot so I wouldn't 'advertise' what I had....just a thought if you don't already do that.
  4. Damn.....on Polaris too....did you ask BJ's if they have security cameras out in the Parking Lot? Were the speakers visible?
  5. Please enjoy our latest installment of the TCKR M4 Project Car on track video at our wonderful 'home' track, Mid-Ohio! Before you ask for lap times, TC was consistently turning 1:38's and a couple of 1:37's. Enjoy!
  6. Editors If an entire edited book with authored chapters is cited, the editor is listed as the author with the abbreviation "(Ed.)" after his name, or "(Eds.)" if there is more than one editor. Multiple editors are formatted the same way as authors. List first editor with the last name first, followed by a comme and "(Ed.)." Example: Smith, J. D. (Ed.). Two editors are separated by a comma after the first author and the ampersand ( & ) and are followed with a comma and "(Eds.)." Example: Smith, J. D., & Jones, R. L. (Eds.). Three to seven editors are separated with commas and the ampersand ( & ) and are followed with a comma and "(Eds.)." Example: Smith, John D., Jones, R. L., & Harper, S. G. (Eds.). More than seven: List up to six (6) editors; then ellipses, and then last editor. Example: Smith, J. D., Jones, R. L., Harper, S. G., Harris, K., Thompson, L. C., Nelson, G. A., ...Sampson, D. (Eds.). source --> http://libguides.dixie.edu/c.php?g=57887&p=371727
  7. Battery life on Droid Turbo is supposed to be crazy awesome. 3 days without recharging if you set it in some certain mode.
  8. All pics from Buffalo, NY http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e196/Lugnut33/buffalosnow2_zpsd24a3788.jpg http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/buffalo-snow-storm2.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd224/JonesRG/Snow/5F3823D3-E984-4409-8685-D2AC74ABA473_zpsbdmfstdc.jpg On a flight from NYC to Buffalo More at this link --> http://fox8.com/2014/11/19/22-dramatic-photos-of-snow-wreaking-havoc-in-buffalo-6-feet-more-likely-to-fall/
  9. That's really awesome. We are expecting #2 for us in April, and it's a girl too. Enjoy it!
  10. Have always left ours on the windows. Just make sure you either bring in or disconnect your hose from your spigot so they water can drain from the spigot. If not, the spigot will crack. The long portion in this picture is designed this way so that the water can drain out and the actual valve is 6-8" into the house so it won't freeze, but if you leave your hose connected to the house it traps the water in that 6-8" part of the pipe and freezes very easily (had it happen to me last winter). http://www.metzlerhomebuilders.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/freeze-proof-faucet-assembly.jpg
  11. Yea, system needs bled. Not sure how that's done on a Honda, but you need to bleed and get all the air out of the system. Sometimes this requires raising the front end of the car so that gravity will help too. The car will need to warm up and run for at least 20 mins to get the pressure built up and the tstat open.
  12. http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/47f/4c8/9a7/resized/asian-smartphone-meme-generator-i-just-got-my-iphone-6-bro-iphone6plus-32115d.jpg
  13. There has to be some way for them to force their hand on filing a claim with insurance company, isn't there.....that doesn't seem right....
  14. Thanks, guys....we are pretty happy with it. Since you guys seem to like it, here's a couple more shots of the front and back. Just had our fence put in a couple of weeks ago, so I've got some shots of the back too. 4 car garage with a lift hopefully going in sometime in the future(the two windows to the left of the garage doors is also garage space).
  15. Ha! Thanks. This is a new house my wife and I just got done building with MI this past August. Work hard, play hard.
  16. 5:30 pm last night http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/C43A618E-98EA-409A-99DC-7D498CCAE3AC_zpsbn6yphf2.jpg 8:00 am this morning http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/FC6455EC-2E18-4054-87D0-55AA3FD58285_zpsvfdbrzup.jpg We were at about 4-5". I'm in Westerville/Galena
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