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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/Postcard_zps1eaec0df.jpg?t=1366138613
  2. ...and when you say 'light her bunsen burner' you mean..... http://legacy-cdn.smosh.com/smosh-pit/112010/harry-finger.gif http://1.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com/22/11/731f76dd05eee09c04f5b8365f13770c-top-gun-high-five.gif
  3. Yup, just was informed from another friend, and fixed my post with an edit...
  4. EDIT: Was just informed this pic is a fake..... Story here --> http://twitchy.com/2013/04/15/no-these-are-not-photos-of-child-killed-in-boston-marathon-explosion/
  5. More pics --> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fsgy4o7bpfcemqi/cHMktVQbKa#/
  6. http://imgur.com/a/ZIUja#z8wwrPx Explosion on video https://vine.co/v/bFdt5uwg6JZ
  7. http://media-cache-ak1.pinimg.com/736x/0d/c0/41/0dc0414c8279473a3e2d85aa555a1cbd.jpg
  8. Just sign up when you get there. It will be $10 for 3 runs......or you can hop in one of the 10 or so (autocross prepped) cars that we have for a free ridealong.....if you have an SCCA membership card, bring it with you
  9. RTR is basically the same rules as stock, but without R-compound tires (Hoosier A6, Kumho V710, etc) RTR = Road Tire Rear (wheel drive) RTF = Road Tire Front (wheel drive) RTA = Road Tire All (wheel drive) Must run OEM springs You can run Double adjustable dampers as long as you retain the stock spring perch and upper mount Front OR rear sway bar may be replaced with different size, but not both any cat back type exhaust that you want any wheels AS LONG AS you retain diameter and width within +/- 6mm offset (spacers can be used to attain that offset) ....other than that everything else is illegal, coilovers, headers, etc are illiegal UNLESS it was a factory option (eg GT3 comes with coilovers) If you know of any cars in serious question of the rules, let me know and I can take care of it. I know people :lolguy:
  10. http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/3/21/14/enhanced-buzz-29321-1363889210-4.jpg
  11. Results are up if you didn't know already...... Results page --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/_autocross/results.asp a few pictures --> http://s64.photobucket.com/user/redludesh2/library/Auto-X%20OVR%20SCCA%2004-14-13?sort=2&page=1 many more pictures --> https://plus.google.com/photos/106913679852802708833/albums/5866838454071942641?banner=pwa More pics will be uploaded later in the week.........
  12. Truth! I love this shot,btw.... Pics can be found here --> https://plus.google.com/photos/106913679852802708833/albums/5866838454071942641?banner=pwa and a few here --> http://s64.photobucket.com/user/redludesh2/library/Auto-X%20OVR%20SCCA%2004-14-13
  13. Just so you know, tech is not there to check compliance on a cars class, but to make sure it is safe to run. If you know that a car is not legal, you must take it upon yourself to formally protest. If we check every car for compliance we would be there all day checking cars.
  14. I watched you run a few times, and I would NOT have gotten in your way :lolguy: The boy was like a freight train...watch out!
  15. Craig, you got a 41.3 out of that thing?! Nice!! I thought today went very well. Could have been 10-15 degrees warmer, but at least it was dry. Thanks to all the CR guys for coming out, I hope you found it beneficial. See most of you again tomorrow! I think Jones may be 'hooked' on a new drug......
  16. Our first event last year, we had 146....put yourself in my shoes :dumb:
  17. We closed reg at 139 entries. This is very typical of the first event of the season. Runs may be limited, but as Kyle said, this is a very good time to benchmark yourself against some good drivers locally, and from out of town. The format will most likely be 3 run groups with no lunch break (you get it on your 'off' heat) and we will see how many runs we can get in, based on how the first heat goes. I'm really excited to start the season, and glad to see some more CR guys coming out this year. I would be happy to organize the timesheets post event if you we want to try and get a bunch of CR guys at an event this year, so Jones can show you all how fast he is :megusta:.......
  18. These are hilarious! https://www.facebook.com/DoYouEvenLiftNorthKorea/photos_stream
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