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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. http://www.lolbrary.com/content/612/badass-grandpa-35612.jpg
  2. :megusta: I think that will be the story for most people.....Remember, this event is just to go out, and 'knock the dust off' a little
  3. :thumbup: Cool....run what you brung
  4. Cool. You bringing out the Golf R?
  5. This ^^ One on one seat time with an instructor all day long. This event is ALL about the student and getting you better(and we feed you lunch). You are paired with an instructor who sits shotgun and goes run after run after run with you and tells you where you suck and where you're awesome :dumb: and then course correct after each run. Definitely worth the $$ if you're looking to become a better autocrosser, and driver overall.
  6. BUMP..... Still some spots left......
  7. meh, not bad..... http://www.weather.com/weather/wxdetail5/USOH0403
  8. :dumb: Most searched words on porn sites by state
  9. you get what you pay for....I'm sure it's pretty crappy....no wide angle view either
  10. Nice intro, Welcome. Were you Infantry?
  11. http://www.helpibrokeit.com
  12. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/164281_10151510264562236_646620705_n.jpg
  13. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/486643_348148561953062_1064390919_n.jpg
  14. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llnnuuc7PE1qzcv7no1_500.png
  15. Cool, glad to see some more guys coming out to give it a try. Be prepared to slip and slide with the cold weather and cold tires, especially with A/S's and fail wheel drive :gabe: +1 on a ride along with me if you like......the car I run is in my sig....
  16. :lolguy: http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/527704_487995774589536_1174599952_n.jpg
  17. http://u18chan.com/uploads/data/13325/anchorman_well_that_escalated_quickly_966_u18chan.jpg
  18. i'm glad you didn't waste any digital space on that God awful Hyundai that West Coast Customs built....that was fucking ugly!
  19. Register here --> https://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/5247CB1E-EE38-3D00-2E75E145990E21CC#.UUN2mByG2So 2013 OHIO VALLEY REGION Event Schedule National Trail Raceway 7:30AM Site Open 7:30 - 8:30AM Walk-in Registration 7:30 - 8:45AM Online Registration Check-in 7:30 - 8:45AM Tech Inspection Open 7:30 - 9:15AM Course Open for Walking 8:45 - 9:15AM Mandatory Novice Course Walk and Meeting 8:45 - 9:15AM Mandatory Formula Jr Course Walk and Meeting 9:20 - 9:40AM Mandatory Driver's Meeting for ALL Drivers 9:40AM 1st Heat Drivers report to the Grid 9:40AM 1st Heat Workers report to Worker Chief 9:45AM 1st Car on Course
  20. Entries are limited to 50 students. - If you run the School on Saturday you can run the event on Sunday for a discounted fee - you must register for both things individually. ABSOLUTELY NO ON-SITE REGISTRATIONS will be accepted. This school is limited in the number of students to provide a more structured teaching environment, more productive day and a low student/teacher ratio. Our intent is to make this school available for competitors with less than three years experience. Anyone interested in instructing should contact us at: OVRSOLO@GMAIL.COM The fee for this years school will be $60.00 for SCCA members and include a box lunch provided at the noon break. Entries are limited to 50 students. ABSOLUTELY NO ON-SITE REGISTRATIONS will be accepted. 7:30-8:45AM Registration Check-in 8:00-9AM Course Open for Walking 7:30-8:45AM Tech Inspection open 9:00-9:30AM Mandatory Driver's Meeting 9:30-10AM Course Walk & With Instructor 10:00AM First Car on Course IF YOU WOULD RATHER MAIL A CHECK, THAN PAY ONLINE, THE CHECK MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE REGISTRATION CLOSES OR THE ENTRY WILL BE DELETED. Mail the check to Simi Ritch, 1011 Arcadia Blvd, Westerville, Ohio 43082 Register here --> https://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/6F4B3D57-EC6B-D23E-A53997FBB0E54A94#.UUN1tRyG2So
  21. ....back on topic.... These guys opened about a year or so ago, and seems to always have cars parked in the lot. I see them in the valupak sometimes and other local coupon distributors. May be worth checking out how they do things on their website. Maybe a good comparison if you wanted to open a place away from your residence. Here's a shot of the shop, it's pretty small. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Harris+Automotive,+Maxtown+Road,+Westerville,+OH&hl=en&ll=40.146359,-82.915832&spn=0.00223,0.002411&sll=40.147372,-82.916865&sspn=0.003153,0.004823&oq=harris+auto&t=h&hq=Harris+Automotive,&hnear=Maxtown+Rd,+Westerville,+Ohio+43082&z=19&layer=c&cbll=40.146359,-82.915832&panoid=iH-V7KJv0SXDeBJLzf-Zgg&cbp=12,4.62,,0,4.1 http://harrisautomotiverepair.com/
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