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Everything posted by spkcadet

  1. Thats might be why she is homeless, babysitters arent cheap these days I guess
  2. Nissan Cube http://www.car-sports.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Nissan-cube1.jpg Scion XB http://www.auto-news-trend.info/images/scion-xb%20(1).jpg Kia Sol http://www.worldtopcars.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/kia-soul-01.jpg But that being said, its mainly asian companies going with these Fugly designs. I cant think of any euro companies that are making boxes on wheels like these...
  3. We will just do like last week, sit inside and drink coffee until the rain breaks, then go outside with the cars, then back inside if it rains again. Besides this rain is money, I have given my car the poor mans car wash 3 times this week. Speaking of rain... http://forum.thecatarena.com/images/smilies/rain.gifhttp://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff113/hlk1220/sad029.gifhttp://freesmileyface.net/smiley/music/singing-in-the-rain-121.gif
  4. Of course it is, because life is a big joke anyways but on a serious note, I did the whole chasing ass thing before... it got me a few stalkers and my old car egged. lol
  5. Both of my siblings carry the Glock 22 4th gen as their duty weapons. I was asking him about what to get and he highly suggested the Glock 27. Having shot his Glock 22 I am going to agree. Very comfortable to shoot, smooth pull, and because of the comfortable/natural feeling grip if you need to unload a clip and fast you will be much more accurate with it.
  6. You forgot an option... Find a WOMAN. Girls are money pits, so is ass. Find a woman, because chances are they have a job, and an ass :thumbup:
  7. My brother was talking about this show the other day. Both my younger brother and older sister are cops. They have had COPS night where they watch marathons of cops TV shows for hours on end.
  8. Cancer or a child. Pick your poison. Cancer is cheaper and is covered by insurance.
  9. Its how you can get the additional funding on the mods. Besides, gives you an excuse to take her apart in the garage and not feel bad about not taking her out on the town.
  10. ty ty, its nice that it has finally warmed up. was starting to get that itch with her locked up all winter.
  11. Hey whats up all. Met at Columbus Cars and Coffee past 2 weekends, was told I should join these forums. So I did, and here I am. As of right now no performance mods, since BMW is giving me free maint till 100k miles I am going to sadly suck it up and go with it until I get the car paid off. Then its open game. As of right now done a few visual things to the car, so if you see someone driving around Cbus with LED halos, good chance thats me. Anyways, here are some pics. The day i bought her http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/69440_604175231228_39700435_34390613_3128649_n.jpg http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/69006_604175026638_39700435_34390604_2372264_n.jpg How she looked in my garage a few weeks ago http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/200136_624021045058_39700435_34759491_7627678_n.jpg bad pic of the new halos, at some point I will get someone with a real camera to take some pics. http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/208731_655921665958_39700435_34871940_4063884_n.jpg
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