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Everything posted by spkcadet

  1. spkcadet


    The reason racing is legal in Mexico is because you need to drive really fast when you are getting chased by mexican drug runners.
  2. I got stopped by 2 people in the past week saying "hey did you drive past the marathon the other day, I think i saw your headlights" to which I replied, yeap, that was me. lol
  3. Completely agree, that was a grea time last night and THANKS AGAIN MARK! I would enjoy doing that again for sure, maybe I wont pussy out and actually play some poker next time instead of pool. btw, I forgot my beer in your fridge Mark :doh: YEAHHHHH, the fact that she couldnt keep her clothes on was the only reason she won, I was kinda digging that one in the white shorts... and then remembered i had to be up at 5am for mums day...
  4. I suck at poker and need to be up early the next morning, however I would be interested in joining in if you need a warm body to deal to lol
  5. Cup O' Blocks again this week? I'll be there for a little bit before i leave for class.
  6. That is a pretty clean ride. Saw it at Cars and Coffee last week. Best of luck with the sale man. Wonder what people would have made him think about a 335i... :whistle:
  7. ugh, I wish I was done with college. Right now I dont even have time to wash my car let alone raise a puppy... I grew up with dogs tho, love em to death.
  8. They could have a power converter inside the car converting that so that it can give some sort of outlet for plugging in stuff. I doubt pretty highly that it was an electronic conversion. More likely a power converter with an external outlet for all your local redneck needs
  9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1379322844180119076# If this video is not enough to make you want to buy it, I dont know what is. gl on the sale, wish I had 2500 to throw around right now.
  10. I used to have a Coastal Carpet Python for a pet, she was pretty tame, but you sure didnt want to bug her when she was in a bad mood...
  11. spkcadet

    Dear Obama

    Yes everyone has hated wanted him dead for years, but it is only scratching the surface. Bin Laden was not terrorism, just part of it. No doubt someone will replace him shortly.
  12. I guess in the full clip he confesses to using a date rape drug... on himself. NO NO NO!!! it doesnt work that way!!!!
  13. yeah, been following that cartoon for a while now, some really good stuff lol
  14. not possible, dont you remember from being a kid. The block doesnt fit in the circle damnit... IT DOESNT FIT!!!!! :fuuuu:
  15. One of these track days I will consider renting a prius just so I can kick all your asses with my 17 second 1/4 mile!!!
  16. Was talking to my buddy about this show the other day, he is going to make his gf do this for him. He was using some coupon site that calculates all that stuff out for him. He said he saved like 60 bucks on a $110 load of groceries the other day. I will have to ask him what the website was.
  17. I was an EMT once upon a time, we were trained to slow down at intersections, specifically ones that we know have blind corners to them. As to who would be at fault I do not know however. Just speaking from the EMT aspect.
  18. Wait are we doing Cup O' Joe or blocks this morning? SO CONFUSED!!
  19. Wish my rims wernt all banged up, I would want to get my 2008 E93 335i in on that in a heartbeat =(
  20. I wish when I got to fly the F-16 it was in an area with mountains like that. however not going to lie, doing some cloud surfing was a blast. Sadly I can only boast like 7g's, because of our setup we couldnt hit 9.
  21. Saw an R8 in white with a black rag top on the way back home from Toledo today.
  22. People still wear watches? I stopped wearing watches when i started carrying a $600-$700 cellphone
  23. Am I the only person who thought of this?
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