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Everything posted by spkcadet

  1. but common, you know that 2 foot spoiler in the rear will give my front wheels some mad traction on the curves.
  2. http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/?p=47011 thoughts? :fuckyeah:
  3. i really, really, really wanted to be there, however I had drill weekend :no:
  4. I am not going to lie, my heart rate increased while watching that, and i wasnt even in the damn thing
  5. Seems like a decent enough of a car, I just never see them over here. Or maybe thats because I mistake the tail lights for a chevy impala :masturboy:
  6. spkcadet

    I hate cr

    CR needs a dislike button, I am going to create a group and send it to everyone on here so maybe the site owner will see how much everyone wants one.
  7. Guy I know is selling a used Polymer Baby Eagle 40 cal for $450. was wondering if anyone else has shot this gun and what they think of it? Reviews online are pretty good overall but there is some less than shining ones for the polymer model.
  8. No turbo problems, just the HPFP. There is a certain run of HPFPs that they replaced that had that issue. On top of that they did a software flash to resolve the issue with it going dry when its powered off. Something to do with rings on the inside drying out I believe, cant remember off the top of my head.
  9. So a USAF buddy of mine just got stationed in Japan, guess someone out there was selling a 93 Skyline GTS25t and he ended up snagging it for pretty cheap. Right side drive and everything. Here are some pics. http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/253964_10150623798990597_669905596_18774888_6522688_n.jpg http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254819_10150623799145597_669905596_18774891_2812836_n.jpg http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/247574_10150623798925597_669905596_18774887_8385689_n.jpg
  10. They need to replace the 4 rings on the front with 4 balls, because that car has some serious balls
  11. I hear al-qaeda is hiring pilots
  12. spkcadet


    I tried to not LOL, but i did :gabe: On the plus side, if that dumbass dies or retires I think apple may actually be a key player finally. He is holding the company back because he refuses to work with the market and focuses on his nitch crap while still trying to be a key player. On the plus side for apple, Windows 8 looks like utter shit from what I have seen.
  13. My sister is addicted to that game like there is no tomorrow... Its a decent game, but yes no different from any other game that was made 10,000 times before it
  14. Ty sir! Wow that looks good. edit: just looked at it again and realized that you can see my reflection in the bumper. Yeap thats a win
  15. Can't wait to see em! For obvious reasons
  16. I dunno, what type is tiger blood?
  17. This is how they roll, in India...
  18. So in, gonna be a loooooooooong day. Gonna need that coffee and bagel!
  19. It was funny, when i got there and saw the Stangs rolling into the other side of the lot I almost went and told them that cars and coffee is normally parked on the other side. glad I didnt, lol
  20. Is it 8am yet? I could really use some coffee right about now...
  21. Yeah, looks like they did a crapload of body work to it, but I am not seeing anything about perfomrmance changes on it. Either way, thats one slick M3 http://www.turnermotorsport.com/image/gallery/e92m3_build/index.html
  22. I just looked up forgelines... :leghump::jerkit:
  23. For some reason I thought about that retarded ass song by Jessica Black instead... But even then would still rather listen to winds roaring between houses.
  24. will try to make it before I go to class. Assuming all goes well I should be closing on my mortgage the day before and moving in after class that day. so no doubt I will ne about as aware as a zombie...
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