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Everything posted by blurtoyou

  1. Why? So you have a in to go postal.
  2. Cold air intake, Turbo Kiiler sticker= 250hp
  3. A $500 party is alot better than a $200 party
  4. Just throwing it out there, to see why people do or don't like to go.
  5. Instead of standing around at hd on sat. night. Why dont we stand around at mcir and, run some races also? Just a thought. Its hard to find a track that will let people do that kind of thing. I heard, if we don't support the track they are going to scrap grudge night. Thoughts......???
  6. Had a 2.09 60 ft at mcir, and a 1.76 at pacemakers. fixed
  7. You need to get on jeff to do his into post.
  8. Jeff and I will be there about 9am.
  9. Name is brandon. I Have been a member for 3 years. Was at a few races last year. Jeff Sherrod turned me on to the club. He has been a member for years.
  10. Heading to nationaltrails tonight.
  11. ford club meet in the morning. Be there till 1 or 2
  12. Nice.... not so good with photo shop.
  13. Welcome to THUNDERDOME.http://www.tiff.net/blogs/archivedimages/Midnight%20Madness%20Blog/thunderdome.jpg
  14. Still not 100% sure what a cr troll is. http://www.antiquesnavigator.com/ebay/images/2011/250822725324.jpg http://sadhillnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/michelle-obama-queen-troll-doll-wind-london-hair-mess-windswept-blown-sad-hill-news.jpg http://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/robochris/cabinet/otegaru19/720267-r1.jpg :lolguy:
  15. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/Picture198-1.jpg the twins. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/DSC02364.jpg Weston http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/DSC02363-1.jpg Griffin http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/008-1.jpg Ohio State game. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/123.jpg Paul Walker:lolguy:
  16. Me and the fam are out and about. Is it ok to bring my kids?
  17. Actually I not gona be out till 9 or 10
  18. Thanks, ill try that tonight.
  19. I ran a vac hose from pcv to the inlet on the oil fill tube. I also vented the valve cover. There was a little smoke coming thru the vent on valve cover. Dont know if i should worry about that?
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