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Everything posted by blurtoyou

  1. blurtoyou


    http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiU6D7rhvWJOFJ1bvz1GgPTWFFOcBso7CP8tLBZTdTeB rain
  2. http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/3/33281/1101475-dilated_pupil_super.jpg look at his eyes.
  3. blurtoyou

    I hate cr

    It had to have a catchy title to get your attention, and still show my appreciation for the site.
  4. blurtoyou

    I hate cr

    Thank you, thank you
  5. blurtoyou

    I hate cr

    nobody would know who cody is if he was'nt such a retard. He might be a evil genius..... I don't if cody is a retard. Its just here say to me. Never meet him.
  6. blurtoyou

    I hate cr

    ill be at track day. as long as the car holds up......
  7. blurtoyou

    I hate cr

    thanks, just trying too get out there.
  8. blurtoyou

    I hate cr

    Was just trying to say say how much i like it. And that i cant say off it.
  9. blurtoyou

    I hate cr

    This web site is like the facebook for dudes that like cars. I am so addicted.
  10. So what your telling me is, get inspected with street tires then change to drag radials.
  11. At trails, do you need a drive shaft loop when running drag radials?
  12. ill come get hood thrusday if u still have it.
  13. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/IMAG0042.jpg?t=1307257197
  14. blurtoyou


    Very disappionted did not get to meet cody tonight. I guess he had some homework to do.
  15. blurtoyou


    Thanks to all, enjoyed meeting eveyone. Look forward to good times.
  16. blurtoyou


    5 guys is good with me ,what time?
  17. blurtoyou


    Hello ,would love to come out and meet some people. Do u guys mind if I come. Name is brandon.
  18. hello, name is brandon. Going to check it out sat. morning. Hope to meet some new people.
  19. Brandon you didn't read the stickies and your intro sucks so you're going to catch some flak. Now you can either cry about it or go read the stickies and fix yourself. IM NOT A POET I LIKE CARS. THIS IS LITTLE BIT CRAZY!!!!
  20. Potential members must post a new introduction, a subsequent reply, and be approved by the Staff and Senior Members before allowed access to the rest of CR. WHAT AM I MISSING??????
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