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Everything posted by blurtoyou

  1. Getting oil in the intake thru pcv valve. Has anyone bypassed it? Any other suggestions?
  2. blurtoyou


    Ill take a case if its not a big deal.
  3. I think 92 and 93 are the same, it has the solenoid on it. Let me know ,thanks.
  4. Delille ,Marion rd. Off backbone.
  5. It might not be that easy to " live your life 10sec at a time" in that.
  6. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjFsJHaY08p5XhLK1lp3-yzBSKVj58J7OweeM04QBXYRm-71piRQ I had this grill for over 5 years. IT sits outside with no cover and it is not rusting. Uses propane to start charcoal so your food does'nt taste like lighter fluid. Best grill i have ever owned.
  7. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrkHxE34dunPiJReTYLml9O6erfB2YYdrYYjxKhxbpJxdFeCQG I TAKE CARE OF MY KIDS!!!
  8. is it just me, or was that whole thing really gay?
  9. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/IMAG0044.jpgIts for 2 in barrel, new never used. Clip on inside pants. $20 or trade for glock parts.http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/IMAG0045.jpg
  10. looks like its out of a batman moive.
  11. Droped valve? who did heads? Does'nt sound good.
  12. Not as good as I thought. Need tires ,drag shocks and a new 60 ft time.
  13. blurtoyou


    guess ill have to stay later.
  14. blurtoyou


    WTF? Did u guys move the party to 270?
  15. blurtoyou


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