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Everything posted by AC66Bronco

  1. Thats the problem. No other PC. Work PC is to stricktly watched.
  2. that would be a major solid. :megusta:
  3. Referring to jeffero??? If to me then yea 07 sounds about right.
  4. I will give that a shot. Thanks.
  5. I don't think I did a recovery partition. What I know I did do was to make one partition storage for files movies music etc and the other for the OS and other programs. . It is a Dell E1505 IIRC.
  6. Hey guys. My laptop recently crashed. I am in need of a copy of windows 7 32 bit so I can make it live again. I don't really care if it is torrented or not but I suspect I will need a key for it. I'm not sure as the error message says insert CD to begin repair. My CD is currently in MI so any help would be appreciated. It would be awesome if someone could help me out and email me the cd and key or if they care to go the extra mile and meet up that would be cool too. So anyone care to help me out?
  7. I have a beat dick truck from when 99.999999% of CR was not even a swimmer in their fathers sack. I drive an HHR which to some is one of the ugliest cars tom come out since the Aztek Still not jealous.
  8. Don't forget to snap your fingers before you say it!:fuckyeah:
  9. INB4 Cops always sitting near my house following me everywhere I go now.
  10. AC66Bronco


    Is that the JDM VIP car Chad was telling me about? Sorry I'm not familiar with it what is it?
  11. AC66Bronco


    Mercury Marauder
  12. AC66Bronco


    If falls through... You wouldnt be interested in any RC car stuff would you?
  13. Can you PM me or post a number?
  14. Was going to go to this but heading up to MI for the Bronco Bash.
  15. I had the same issue in my apartment. Are they the lil ones that are about a CM long? I went to HD got some poison put it out they are now gone. Don't leave food out either.
  16. I am interested but I am trying to find out more info from some friends. Gun sites are blocked at work.
  17. Shits getting a lil crazy over here on broad
  18. Can I assume you have tried it before?
  19. Eh maybe. Lotsa rain coming.
  20. ^LOL. I'm thinking on this still. Nicky I haven't found that sending unit yet
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