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Everything posted by AC66Bronco

  1. AC66Bronco


    lets meet up tomorrow then.
  2. AC66Bronco


    I get out of work at 4. You be around?
  3. i think the real issue is just an over all lack of comon sense and curtosy of the vast majority of ohio drivers.
  4. Same here I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (basically my back is slowly fusing into a solid column of bone). Pain stops when the fusing is done. But I am on some really expencive drugs. lol
  5. Everything about this thread is win. I would love to see this beast some day.
  6. I just about burst out laughing in my cubicle.:lolguy:
  8. :fuuuu: I actually did read the whole thing and it just confirmed everything I have been saying for years.
  9. Can you bold the important parts before someone posts TLDR?
  10. Judging her ethnicity by her pic I am not shocked. I swear those women have fire running through their veins.... so angry!
  11. jesus h tap dancing christ. i hate ppl. Hope everything turns out for the best
  12. was 99 the split year for the newerish rounder body style and the older square one? i googled it really quick and both styles came up.
  13. And no back seat just a brace. I just ripped a hole in my pants. I would have gone for the dark blue color myself. It would have been closer to my dads 69 boss 302. PS I want your car!
  14. Can I take your car for a spin? Or at least get a ride? I LOVE the new BOSS
  15. if its anything like on our tractor when the bottom edge of the blade catches something it can pivot forward and then you stop back up and a spring will pull it back into place.
  16. i heard a product called fly ash mixed with coke does wonders to their insides.
  17. About 2 years ago I was driving back from Tail of the dragon. I ran over one in the ION that was already dead head a clunk and did not think anything of it. 3 days after that I saw a dead half cooked raccoon in my drive way. It explained the horrible smell.
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