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Everything posted by AC66Bronco

  1. AC66Bronco

    Audi rs4

    Same on the LNF GM 4 cyl meth helps but not a fix all.
  2. True but the gun belongs to my father. I have done enough "hey lets take it apart and make it better" type of stuff to his things growing up already :gabe:
  3. Never done any gunsmithing type stuff at all. LOL that was unintentional actually.
  4. yea i would do that but gun sites are blocked at work :dumb: and my laptop is dead atm. was just wondering if anyone knew of something.
  5. Anyone know of a machine shop on the east side that would be able to do a drill guide/jig so I can change my bolt pattern on my hubs and rotors? I am currently running the gaytarded 5x110 that all new GM FWD cars are running. I would like to switch to 5X114.3. I have a drill press and all that I just need an accurate drill guide/jig made up that I could use to create pilot holes for the converion. Thanks. Andy
  6. Hey guys might be a long shot but here it goes. Does anyone know of a place that does work on air rifles? We got one back home that the trigger pull is ungodly stiff on. Was wondering if someone down here might be able to look at it. Thanks.
  7. Is it wrong that I read that as if brick top from snatch were saying it? I lmao
  8. But the D. Fence is weak due to the new guy being a D. Weeb
  9. Is that a metaphor? Or a floccinaucinihilipilification thought????? See I can use big words too but I know how to use them. I r edumacated.
  10. Is it just me or is he trying to back peddle again???? I can't tell because I can't comprehend sarcasm by light years.
  11. morning bump. willing to meet someone for the disk hell i will even throw them 5 bucks for their troubles!
  12. I had the same issue as well I took a piece of paper and wrote on it "UPS PLEASE USE AS SIGNATURE" And signed my name. Always worked for me.
  13. F8 did not work. Looks like I need the disk :fa:
  14. never used them never heard anything about them but there is that annoying comercial for bikes 2 NV
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