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Everything posted by AC66Bronco

  1. My dad taught me that when I was 13 lol
  2. Ok yea I would have pulled the plug too. lol
  3. Srsly? am I the only one that will at least try to get a bj from them no matter how large they are? I mean I did just buy them a meal.....
  4. Well did you Tucker Max it or puss out?
  5. One of my best friends lives right down the road from them. He actually enjoys being woken up at 3am by ungodly sounds of RPMs Turbo spooling and BOV's He says he smiles and goes back to sleep with a smile on his face
  6. Yea I saw that. Thanks for posting it was Decent was hoping someone used it before and had thoughts on it.
  7. I got strep throat and it just ain't going away. Anyone got a good place to go that is fast not packed and plesant anywhere near Easton to 270 and Broad?
  8. In all seriousness THANK YOU for posting that.
  9. Hmmm thats one way to do it. But how would you keep your coral alive?
  10. I have been doing some research because I would love to start a tank one day but being a renter it is rather impracticle. One of the things I read was to not use bleach but rather amonia.
  11. http://www.boomboomtactical.com/ maybe they blew something up.
  12. Sorry. I had a burrito for lunch.
  13. Fuck me having a bastard ass lug pattern.
  14. Id like to know to just because I dont want some stoned asshole working on my car.
  15. http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=23489 hybrid. :no:
  16. Wait so are the mechanic and the boss the same person? If not go talk to the boss. I had a hard time reading that.
  17. I see tent worm webs. Pics of spiders naoi!
  18. I love how you mounted the turbo. who need headlights!!!! oh btw i need to clean my monitor.
  19. she looks like crap with blond hair and no tan.
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