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Everything posted by Nicklz

  1. :fuckyeah: adrenaline rush can I not embed vid's on CR??
  2. you sir are correct still cancer not good
  3. I've done car sales in the past. Dealerships will hire a noob, or a seasoned salesman. Confidence, personality, approachability go along ways. Some dealerships like hiring fresh people, so they can train them to do stuff their way. As with any sales job, it's all about results. GL
  4. yup his days are numbered http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9MYixPWxtF0/TTUi7QFTM_I/AAAAAAAAB9E/y4MBkr7KsxQ/s1600/steve-jobs-apple-aapl.jpg http://ll-media.tmz.com/2011/08/26/0826-steve-jobs-02pcn-credit-1.jpg
  5. Turbo cars feels slow after awhile too. and really hot days I've got 248k on my bugeye, I keep upgrading it to combat my daily driving boredom. considering doing a built 2.5 and rotated gt30 over the winter
  6. Nicklz

    Clear bra

    Charley @ CSN don't know the number look it up, but he has alot of highend cars come into his shop everytime I'm there I'll see everything from a maybach to graham rahall's fucking porches warning he is a car guy and will talk your ear off if you let him
  7. that's fucked up, definitely didn't think this was real at first sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you
  8. I got $750 if you'll deliver it to New Philadelphia. Or I'll pick it up from you next time I'm in cbus (Sept 3rd) if it's still available.
  9. Try OSU vet center. If you can't afford it, just drop the cat off as a 'good samaritan' somebody else will adopt it later but at least it didn't die in your back yard.
  10. +1 Which kid that had an sti??
  11. You could always go to Cincinnati and/or Cleveland and watch the steelers win.
  12. For subaru's: Dealer- props to Rudy & Kurt at Byers on Hamilton Rd or http://www.subarugenuineparts.com/
  13. clean very fun cars I had an 87 and a 91t GLWS
  14. http://pressdog.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c53c653ef0120a81cc552970b-500wi http://cbskjaq.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/maryeve_dufault_tg_l1.jpg?w=600 If I was the advertising director for GoDaddy.... I'd put her and Danica in a bowl of Jello
  15. I'm 5'11 and 260 That'd be a good DD but I don't fit in those. Not my fatness but shoulder width, I have to keep my left arm out the window to comfortable drive my brothers, or get a ghetto lean going on.
  16. I've got a wrx, lowered with snow tires, I've gone through 17 inches of unplowed snow and didn't get stuck. I kept moving and I'd bet if you stopped you'd be fucked though. If your looking at older forester or wagons. The head gaskets as mentioned may need replaced. Older ones with higher miles sometimes the pipe from the gas tank to gas cap can rust through causing problems. But other than that check the normal car stuff out. With proper maintenance they'll last forever. Even if you have to replace a motor or trans you can find used ones out of salvaged vehicles for surprisingly cheap.
  17. I'm 30 no wife or kids, but looking back there are a few times I'm lucky I didn't get hurt getting into fights. Never the bad guy, but I got a temper and I'd never back down either, and the last time I got into an altercation. Well lets just say there is a very thin line between defending yourself and assault. And I went way to far, luckily I didn't get into any legal trouble. But it's stuck in my head the fact I lost my temper it's only self defense to a certain point and what could have happened if the fight hadn't gone my way. So now I approach situations like that a lot more analytically than I used to. OP definitely did the smart choice But think about how great it would have been to throw his bloody face into the windshield while telling his gf to get some fucking self respect and leave that loser.
  18. Setup appointment with them so you can 'pay the bill' then once your there remember that scene from fight club when he blackmails his boss
  19. Hey I know that car ^^ Also new to CR here is my subaru http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/nicklz/my%20cars/72008ax1.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y180/nicklz/my%20cars/CannonRebel028.jpg
  20. Been there, pick your poision: 1) get attorney - he will either get it dropped or at minimum plead down to a no pint charge 2) try above yourself, usually not very successful 3) plead guilty and do not drive until after your suspension ends 4) plead guilty and drive while suspended then get arrested for driving on suspended license and car impounded 5) plead guilty, then complete court ordered driving course
  21. I was 38+ when I saw it on cos GL
  22. sorry bro I just do the lease negotiations and acquistions Price sky rockets based on all the people after me that run up the cost. Anyways I mainly do nautral gas. Marcellus (WV & PA) and Utica (OH) gas formations are big things right now.
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