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Everything posted by Robochan

  1. Cars are never a smart financial decision.
  2. My PSA/Anderson/BCM/Magpul mutt can put some holes on some paper let me tell you.
  3. You found the limit. Next time just one click down from there.
  4. A dry sump to keep any LS alive would be his entire budget. Which is part of the reason I don't own the vette anymore.
  5. Anything you buy is going to need $750 ish in tires and $250 ish in brakes. That's 1/5 of your budget before you even put gas in it.
  6. http://www.roadraceautox.com/showthread.php?57329-1994-Sentra-SE-R-logbooked-RACE-CAR-WITH-legal-Title-in-my-name-FS-NASA-PTE-TTE http://www.roadraceautox.com/showthread.php?57377-1995-G20-NASA-Race-Car-w-Nats-wins-17-track-records-AND-titled-street-driven! Something like these if you want to stay reliable and Nissan. Seriously the popular cars at the track are popular for a reason. Being unique is expensive and 5k isn't anything.
  7. A $1500 miata with 949 big grip kit and 15x9 wheels with some good tires is honesty the fastest and most reliable thing for that budget. Other than that you are paying to be more unique. I paid 3500 for my super clean 90 miata. Put energy bushings, used koni yellows and ground control coilovers on it. Used 15x7 wheels with used hoosier SM7s and the car is capable of doing 1.48s at midohio club. That's less than $5k and less than 100whp.
  8. Mine did the same thing. It happened to be the contactor. You can take the motor and capacitors to http://americanelectricmotorservice.com and they will test them for free and probably help you find parts.
  9. Built this for basically nothing. http://imgur.com/a/kgtah
  10. And if your drove it with some gusto you would wear parts out and break things and spend $$$ over the years.
  11. I have their 30mbps for 25 a month. 80 to install. I actually test. 22-26 down and 4-5 up with speedtest. Never had it go out and I have been super pleased. They offer up to 100mbps at my location but I have never had anything slow down on me.
  12. Craigslist and gadget ease may have used ones for 65.
  13. I take 2 scoops of instant coffee, pour some Pepsi or coke in and mix it before I workout. Started doing it in prison.
  14. http://static.tumblr.com/9aeadd5e5ffd6d2b0ca49504dc6c6d4f/swhvhr4/6Yfmo5o2n/tumblr_static_tumblr_mlxzp2ugrh1qa8t6fo1_500.png
  15. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fZwpd1tk1UI/Vg6cHTi4bMI/AAAAAAAASI0/3U8x8E2bc2w/s1600/tumblr_mtchbbfYrF1s6enrfo1_500.gif
  16. http://img.pandawhale.com/post-23270-King-of-the-Hill-Deal-with-it-8OYB.gif
  17. Who do i vote for to get free college, smoke weed and no taxes?
  18. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/kingofthehill/images/4/4e/139146.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120203162443
  19. Was there a viper behind it?
  20. Go find a 4 wheeler battery. Almost any 12v battery will do.
  21. I'll make it a racecar $500 and it disappears.
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