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Everything posted by Robochan

  1. Maybe the same kid who did this http://i.imgur.com/HULxafO.jpg
  2. Im 20 and still live at home. No girls allowed to stay the night. I have tried to test it before but i respect the rules. I can see (now) being a parent and not wanting that and i can see how it can be disrespectful. I dont see your concern being "wrong." The its gonna happen so cave in argument doesnt make sense to me. Most douche bags i know were raised like that. Good news is she cant reproduce and spread her dis-respectfulness.
  3. Track First in Hudson has a huge seat lounge. Would be worth the trip to try some seats out.
  4. Robochan

    Sat 3/21?

    Second shift sucks. Guess i just missed everyone.
  5. 2015s will not come out until the late fall.
  6. Getting beat by "red beauty"
  7. That is insane how much force that front wing makes. What are the body, middle section, of these cars made of?
  8. Lots of Honda boost to come...
  9. Yep i rented the garage. Andy I heard about that custom as well as the one where the instructor lets the student drive their car...
  10. And this is why it will not come to the US market...
  11. I signed up for this event also. CR Party in my garage.
  12. It is not coming to the US. All of you can calm down and continue thinking F bodies look nice.
  13. Atleast he used his own pictures and description. I had some kid list my last miata for double what i sold it for the same night and used my pictures.
  14. The last event they held last year i was pegging the 2nd gear rev-limiter in the cayman 30 feet before the traps. Thats 72 mph (7200 rpm)
  15. Used it this year. Was completely free and i liked using it. Handled my W-2s and my school loan/tuition. I recommend it. Also would check out Intuits MINT budgeting program. Also free.
  16. Thank you Miller! Hope i can make a bunch of these.
  17. The more money i spend on food the less i can spend karting.
  18. Had a blast. I went there friday and i set the 5th fast lap they have had. (maybe 150lb guys do have an advantage) Cheaper and the flaggers actually have a clue what they are doing compared to GP.
  19. http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/4861386537.html
  20. Are the NT01s going to be 200 tread wear this year?
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