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Posts posted by 2011SVT

  1. Threads like this make me think that is you tune to E-85 'summer' that you don't really have to worry about normal variation around that ethanol content and down to even E70 because you simply end up with a slightly richer mixture through those huge injectors (saw another thread where someone was arguing that E60 was the point where things became 'too rich' <shrug>)




    You would need a different tune for a pure methanol though if you decided to go that way.

  2. Right, because foreign terrorists are the only ones with access to pressure cookers. Just as I speculate based on my lens, you and Mike Huckabee do too.


    From the AP article:


    Pressure cookers have been involved in numerous terror plans prior to the Boston Marathon bombings.


    One of the three devices used in the 1 May 2010 attack in Times Square incorporated a pressure cooker containing approximately 120 firecrackers.


    In March 2010, terrorists used a remotely detonated pressure cooker bomb in an attack on World Vision International in Pakistan.


    A planned attack in Jammu, India in September 2003 was foiled after security officers seizing 88 pounds of explosives in two large pressure cookers.


    In March 2003, four Algerians were convicted of plotting to bomb a French Christmas market using pressure cookers packed with explosives.


    In February 2002, two pressure cooker bombs were used in an attack on the old tower of Lukla Airport at the foot of Mount Everest and in February 2001 four policemen died instantly when Maoist Rebels used two pressure cooker bombs in an attack on a convoy containing judicial officials in Nepal.


    These are some facts. My opinion is that it is likely, since pressure cookers have been used in the past by primarily Islamist terrorists as IEDs with similar construction to kill and injure civilians that it follows that these are the most likely perpetrators. Notice that I also followed this up with the smaller possibility that it could be someone else copying the design.


    Time will tell. The FBI continues to say that their investigation is "wide open" as it should be.


    Sorry that my speculation that the Boston bombing may very likely be the same 'jihadis' who have successfully killed thousands of innocent Americans, attempted to attack hundreds and perhaps thousands more, and constantly threaten us with similar carnage seems to rub your progressive sensibilities the wrong way.

  3. The AP article went on to say that these pressure cooker based devices had a similar design to others that had been used in other Islamist attacks including Time Square.


    I think, at this point, this is indicating foreign terrorists (not that its not possible that some homegrown asshole could have copycatted).

  4. where did you get your s4 done at? id like to do that 50% pinnacle on the front like yours. Thanks


    Looks like you are already in the right place. Mark at QWT did them.


    I'll try to make it out to a Cars and Coffee soon if you'd like to check the view from inside through the 50%. Here's a picture. This was a fairly overcast/gloomy day. I have zero issues even at night. Probably could go 35.



  5. That windshield tint is definitely going to get you attention. In my experience if you run with no tint on the windshield (no extra) and at least have the front windows close to legal they leave you alone. Granted there are other factors. FYI...I got ticketed for tint in New Albany and they added a fine for tinted license plate covers. I got a check in the mail from them a few months later with a note that they did an audit and discovered that they had no ordinance against tinted plate covers. Got my 45 bucks back.


    I keep the car exterior clean of other possible violations but I run Pinnacle 50% on the windshield and 20% on all the other glass. Been 2 years. Driven past Gahanna and New Albany's finest a million times. Never been stopped.




    It sucks but it's definitely about the find of car you have. If and when, I put that tint on the GT500, I won't get three blocks I'll bet.

  6. I may be wrong, but it could be worth a shot going to your optometrist saying bright light hurts your eyes. Get a little piece of paper and throw it in your glove box to show to the cops when you get pulled over.


    Word to the wise: Put a copy of the relevant section of the Ohio Code in there as well.

  7. http://www.marksdailyapple.com



    Lost 50 lbs in about 4 months and was pushing more iron at 50 yrs old than I was at 30.


    Cliffs: High protein, moderate carbs but only from non grain, non "white", non simple sugar carb sources (no sugar, wheat, rice, potatoes - eat green vegetables), good fats/oils, dairy, nuts/seeds, limited fruits. No portion control/calorie counting required. It's really easy if you like meat, salads, most garden vegetables.


    Once you reach your target if you do ok with 'cheating' a lot of people will eat pretty strictly paleo/primal on weekdays and then not so strict on the weekends. I also make sure a cheat day is also fuel for a workout day :)

  8. This is so simple. Snub nosed .357 in your dominant hand (if you are not planning to fap in shower - else suggest you switch hands), 1 quart ziplock freezer bag over hand/gun, and a rubber band around your wrist.


    Speedloaders in one of those fake shaving cream cans.



  9. You can keep hounding your representatives to make sure they don't accept the so-called "universal background checks" for starters. Call, write, and email.


    To be able to enforce background checks on private sales of firearms, there will have to be a National Firearms Registry. The Registry will be the first step for future confiscation, WHEN it comes to that.


    Fixed it for ya.


    1. The antis always bring up that registries are prohibited by law. Here's my answer: "You mean one of the laws the federal government made for themselves, that can be changed at any time, and ignored with impunity by the Executive branch anyway?" :dumb:


    2. By complicating the law, the government hopes to make unwitting criminals of otherwise law abiding citizens. It is one of their key sources of power. Making honest men criminals gives you a measure of control over them as the govt. can now 'elect' not to ruin lives as long as citizens toe the line. They also use just the fear of unintentionally breaking the law as a powerful agent to shape behavior. (Make something complicated enough and people just won't do it)

  10. +1 CTD is dead to me. $139 for a used USGI mag GTFO...




    Latest email from them advertises the 'optics ready' version of the S&W AR-15 for the sale price of $1,800.


    Pre hysteria price: $900. Post hysteria price everywhere else $1,200.


    Fuck CTD. They are just trying to keep this bullshit going by fanning the flames.

  11. At the very least im going to plead not guilty then talk to the Prosecutor about the charges whilst dressed in a $500 wardrobe. Worked last time around. I mean Copper shot (radar/laser) across two lanes of westbound traffic during rush hour to get me speeding in a pack of cars going the opposite direction. His case is riddled with problems from my viewpoint.


    I *believe* the way the Ohio Code is constructed that any duly sworn peace officer can cite you for a violation anywhere in the state.


    You raise an interesting jurisdictional question with regards to what court you are tried in. I think Hilliard gave you the correct advice there. I also agree with a previous poster that the cop in question will likely not show up to Columbus court. They are counting on the fact that people will just pay the fines and if one or two slip by, acceptable losses from the revenue stream. Better to have that officer out making money for the city than tied up in court for hours on one violation.


    With that in mind, I wouldn't ask the prosecutor for a deal right off. I'd show and see if the cop shows. If he doesn't, you're basically dismissed (woot!). If he does show, ask for a continuance (to get a copy of the ticket and review, engage legal counsel, whatever BS reason)... *then* you can decide if you want a deal or you want to try to poke holes in the case, etc. :)

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