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Posts posted by 2011SVT

  1. Biden knows best guys, double barrels and warning shots to every passerby.


    LOL. The "Buffoon in Chief" is going on about the upcoming Senate bill:



    As far as the gun grabbers are concerned it's NEVER over. Something every gun owner of any type/political persuasion needs to keep in mind constantly when listening to these disingenuous appeals to 'common sense'.


    That said, I prefer the AK-47s over the AR-15. Superior ballistics (gotta love essentially a .30/.30 for making an impression) at the cost of some increased recoil/noise/flash and dead nuts simple and reliable to operate.

  2. So instead of 4300lbs, it's ONLY 4000, and you have no A/C or HID's

    And it's louder than balls.



    You say that like it's a bad thing (well I guess the 4,000 pounds is.....)


    I am a fan of track cars that you can't order with A/C or sound systems. Keeps them in the hands of the people that want to really drive them.

  3. In related news:


    "To enact sections 5502.23 and 5502.231 of the Revised Code to prohibit any agency and its employees and agents from seizing or authorizing the seizure of any firearm from any person lawfully in possession or control of the firearm except when a law enforcement officer reasonably believes the immediate seizure of the firearm is necessary for the safety of the officer or another person or to preserve the firearm as evidence, to prohibit the establishment of a firearm registry, and to prohibit law enforcement officers and international agents from enforcing a firearms registration requirement or firearm ban. "




    We might have to go down to the local BATF office to sell those magazines instead. :lolguy:

  4. Why New Yorkers? Drive to New York yourself and sell some magazines. Or do you only care about freedom when it affects you personally?




    Tell you what: If such a law is passed in Ohio, I'll sell some to you and you sell some to me. We'll go down to the poice station and do it in front of the authorities.


    You know, we could even tell them we're coming and maybe get a few hundred friends to join us. That's what I'm talking about.


    Being some out of state dickweed that comes into NY and breaks the law is going to get you nowhere. Except arrested in NY. No one is going to side with you. Doesn't make a good test case.

  5. Was waiting impatiently for the ST, hoping to make this a fun DD as the Shelby continued to evolve into less of one. Ford fucked around and fucked around so I went out and bought the S4.


    Ich liebe der Audi (so the polar opposite of GT500 in terms of the 'driving experience') but the ST remains the girl I'll always wonder would have happened if..... :)

  6. I usually shot expert. Had a few "off" days, thanks to hangovers.

    Rifle - expert

    Machine gun - expert

    Pistol - expert

    Shotgun - expert

    M203 - expert

    German weapons qualified silver. (Missed by 2 rounds with the MG3)

    I'm also pretty good as a Bradley Gunner. Can't remember our rankings in gunnery for the Bradley, but my crew was pretty damn solid.


    Where we're picking sides for paintball, airsoft, zombie apocalypse, and/or armed insurrection -- calling dibs on Scotty.

  7. Dear Representative Beatty,


    This week, Senator Feinstein along with some half-dozen of her colleagues introduced a broad "assault weapons" ban in the U.S. Senate. Vice President Biden followed up with a presentation on the administration's latest proposals and asked us to contact our representatives.


    I would like you to know that I am in general support of proposals which improve our ability to perform effective background checks and support providing even private individuals a way to access the background check system. States need to do a better job of reporting 'prohibited individuals' into the system.


    I also support efforts to improve our response to mental health issues BUT on a state/local level vs. creation of new federal programs or mandates. Our focus should be on how we support the states in their efforts. The reality between the states may be very different and I think it's important that they are able to tailor their response vs. a 'one size fits all' approach.


    Beyond this, I do NOT support any attempt to further circumscribe the civil rights of the American people. Not only are 'bans' of any type completely ineffective and therefore bad policy, most importantly they are incompatible with the language and purposes of the Second Amendment. Contrary to what the President and Vice-President often state, the Second Amendment is not about hunting and target shooting but instead recognizes the individual right to protect self, family, and country from both internal and external threats. You cannot say you are a supporter of the right to keep and bear arms and then attempt to tear it down, hiding behind this deliberate misrepresentation.


    I urge you then to uphold your oath to support and defend the Constitution by voting 'no' on ANY legislation eclipsing the free and lawful exercise of EVERY civil right recognized and guaranteed by that document.


    Thank you.


    Best Regards,


    I didn't get a reply, automated or otherwise. You don't suppose Rep. Beatty would ignore one of her constituents just because they have contrary views do you? Say it's not so!

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