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Green Bastard

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Posts posted by Green Bastard

  1. Whatever you do try not to go through one of those rent to own houses, if you do and the people try to rush and scare you into buying it, just walk away, I learned my lesson the hard way, and even though I had mortgage insurance so I don't owe a dime on the house, I racked up other debts tryin to afford something I couldn't. Lesson here for me is from now on buy everything in cash, even my next venture to buy a house will be a fixer upper I can pay cash and own outright.
  2. I'm glad to see there are some honest people using fmla, at my work 90% of the people on it abuse it, there was one lady who took a couple months off "because of breathing problems" funny that she left the very night we received our quarterly bonus check. Its funny that the same lady is responsible for a policy change now too cause she had 30 doctors excuses in a year. I'm sorry to hear about your mom though and I hope she gets better, I just hope a few don't ruin it for us all.
  3. if i were to do it, i would list the car and say its a parts car and to call for the parts needed, but always have the whole thing for sale for more than what you picked it up for (or less if the parts sold make up the differance), that way if someone wants it you wont take a loss
  4. my civic is DBW (well i guess my diesel is too but its injector wires). I've driven the civic just over 100k and I still can't get a good 'feel' for the throttle and the shifts (manual trans)


    I don't know how to describe it, its just wierd. Like the spring in the pedal doesn't accurately represent the spring of a throttle plate on the end of a cable.


    i agree, my old jag was a stick (02 x-type sport) and it was really hard to match the clutch with the throttle during even some normal driving (normal to me isnt normal to most though lol :gabe:)

  5. Looks like paul has been drinkin again... I was just lookin for opinions, my cousin has a ford that's fly by wire and the tb is messed up right now and is appearantly a common problem with cars like hers, also with the whole toyota thing... also I didn't know they had been around that long, my jag was an 02 and had it, just wasn't sure how long before then they were in service. Imo cars today are becoming more complicated and rely a lot on electronic parts that tend to brake and are expensive. Its like the manufacturers are tryin to take workin on cars out of the hands of the guy who wants to try to save a dollar. I like older cars, while some argue they aren't as reliable as newer cars, maintenance on them is easy and if it needs fixed the average joe can do it with some hand tools and a shop manual, plus I've seen some older cars run just as long as these newer cars.
  6. so some of these newer cars have drive by wire, but with some of the problems lately idk if i would trust one. that and i used to have a jag that was drive by wire, didnt seem to have the throttle response that a cabled throttle has. just lookin for opinions



  7. are you butt hurt now? im really a nice person irl, come to brothers and ill buy you a beer, dont worry though i will know who you are, i have a pic




    ill look for the gold chain and the backwards hat and the sunglasses indoors

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  8. Don't flatter yourself. I don't want you banned. I want aj and his stupid kunt brother banned.


    dear gape,


    why you gotta pick on me and aj?







  9. sometimes i stop by my parents on the way into work and pack theyre leftovers, saves me money cause i dont have to buy my own groceries to pack my own lunch, but when i do make the trip to the grocery store, i usually go with hungry man lunches, for the price they are good, even if not good for you and you can usually pack lunch all week for less than $15
  10. What are you talkin bout, phil is smrt, just an oompa loompa, but you can't hold that against him, and don't call him a midget either, makes them mad. Btw prediction, guy on bike races phil, guy on bike wrecks off the line, phil stops, grabs money for winnings and drives away.
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  11. I say in a cr colony we would have everything to form our own society, but where to start a colony should something devestating ever happen? And which stores to knock over first, automotive such places or go for the food first or should it be weapons first? Btw I threw the auto parts store in there half joking, however a stockpile of useable parts to keep our "fleet" going and quickly at that would keep us at advantage over others who try to ensue chase, also what about a mobile colony like mad max movies, or you think it would be better to stay put? Just putting some thoughts out there, even if only half serious.
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