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Everything posted by EssFo

  1. My Bologna does in fact, have a first name.
  2. I'm guilty of having "Warm it up" on my Spotify playlist.
  3. He blows like a champ. Yep, Miata owner.
  4. Looking forward to it. No so much at seeing Jiucey though.
  5. Nothing says "you don't want none" like a f*cking blower sticking out of the hood!
  6. +1 for candy, soda and f*cking fat women. BTW car looks good.
  7. BRB have to read manual on how to clean my car as to not shine up my factory matte finish.
  8. ' Sometimes you have to learn by doing. I bet he doesn't make the same mistake again.
  9. Are you calling yourself the best? :dumb:
  10. DAT......Matte http://www.autoguide.com/gallery/gallery.php/d/481086-2/2013-Hyundai-Veloster-Turbo-Driving-01.jpg
  11. I think that was Shawn, the guy that bought it from Lee.
  12. EssFo

    Bath salts?

    Waiting on lawsuit from his family.
  13. EssFo

    Bath salts?

    Just add chainsaw http://bluraymedia.ign.com/bluray/image/article/102/1024512/army-of-darkness-screwhead-edition-20090914043647413-000.jpg
  14. http://revheadz.net/korea.jpg http://i825.photobucket.com/albums/zz174/ericg320/shack19_zps96e281a0.png http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a594/MrDsylexia/DNASparks%20Thread/AngryShed_zps970d8ba3.jpg
  15. That's why you get it inspected so it's not "salvaged" but "rebuilt". Allstate will fully insure a rebuilt titled car with no problems. I would think some of the other big names would do the same.
  16. I would be more concerned with a nasty shart one day while driving.
  17. If that car were tits, it would be three of them.
  18. BRB gonna run 250 MPH with the AC on while blasting Conway Twitty over the radio.
  19. BRB just put 20K miles on my V8 RS4. Time to have all the valves cleaned by hand.
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