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Posts posted by Dharris89

  1. The post office has flat rate boxes which are good for shipping heavy stuff like brass. I will give you the brass if you pay for the shipping.


    A good book to read if you are interested is the ABC's of Reloading.



    This is a good source for brass. His name is Jon and he is out of Newark which is a little closer to you. He's a really nice guy and has helped me get some of the harder calipers to find like 357mag.


  2. +1 call the city and ask what you can do and what their definition of a permanent structure is. In Worthington I had to get a $50 permit and sibmit the instructions for my $300 metal 7x10 shed from sears. Then they had to inspect it. It was a PIA but didn't want to worry about having to take it down if a neighbor said something.
  3. Same problem on our 2010 Odyssey...this snow shows that we won't be able to make it thru the winter. I'm just going to get new replacement A/S tires.


    If you were talking about getting new wheels/tires (upgrade in the spring), then do snow tires on the factory wheels.


    Clay, my wife's odyssey is due for tires too which is another reason I am looking for a cheaper option. Those will be good ones. When I bought my car I asked the sales person to trade my 18's for some 16's off a base Accord. But it would have voided my "certified" warranty. Since it was the only 6mt in Ohio I could find I went with the 18's. Thx

  4. If you have the garage space and feel like storing winter wheels for 8 months out of the year, well, you can do that too.


    I have 3 more sets of wheels for my firebird plus a set 4 lug set for my old Accord. Storing them isn't an issue.


    Carl seems to have a set that may work so thank you to him, I will follow up.


    The idiot light doesn't bother me. Is used to fix them with electrical tape on the dash. Like I said, this is my first nice car in a long time so I just didn't want to do damage to it. Thankfully it doesn't sound like it that's an issue.

  5. Go for a inch or 2 less with snow tires and you will be able to drive anywhere.


    I have some 16,s steelies with nice M and S tires if you are in a pinch.


    If it won't mess up the computer..maybe. I'm not familiar with those tires. Can you pm or text me a pic? I drive to Cleveland and BFE a lot so I just need traction and the ability to stop. thx 614-216-0567.

  6. Get new snows on steelies.


    Craigslist someone's winter set up they are off loading cheap.


    That's exactly where I was heading but will the computer get screwed up if I run rims without tire monitors? I'm seeing full sets of rims with tires for half the price of a new set for the factory rims. This is the first non 15 year old 200k car I've had in a long time so it's "fancy" thx

  7. So driving today in this little bit of weather has shown me I need new tires. I have a 2013 Accord Sport 6mt with factory 18 inch wheels. The tires are Michelin, are nearly to the wear bars but prob have a year or so left. But I couldn't stop or start at all this morning. I have the tire pressure things and when I lose half a pound of air the idiot light comes on.


    Can I run smaller wheels with snow tires or will it piss off the computer without the pressure monitors? Or should I just get new tires on the stock rims? Assume aesthetics don't matter as I'm not trying to impress anyone but I drive a lot for work and I need good tires with traction. WWCRD? Thanks for your opinions.

  8. Tim, I'm not quoting everything but I agree. I've had Joe and Howard's training along with others and they are great. If I carry my whole life and never have to use it, I will be happy. But the one instance where I need it, I want it available.


    About 15 years ago I was in a house with a big back yard and a patio. One night I saw someone sneaking around my back yard. I grabbed my fly swatter and went charging out. It was my neighbor looking for his dog that had gotten out. He about shit his pants and I felt horrible. Looking back I realize how lucky we both were and how stupid I was. I know now what could have happened and I regret it. Now I don't give a damn about the stuff, as long as my family is safe.


    On a side note I will probably see if you can work some magic on my hooptie next year before the trans am nationals. Thx

  9. :if they kick in my door of course I'm going to let them make it across the threshold but I doubt they'd make it to the TV.


    I know there is a level of humor in this but I keep a defensive tool in case I have to defend my family. Bad guys can have my TV. Call the police and secure your family. Be prepared and ready to defend yourself if you have to but don't go looking for the BG. Chances are they are not alone and if drugs are involved, it's already a losing situation.


    He Arms himself when walking the Dogs around the block, in Dublin :dumb:


    What's wrong with that? BG's don't announce themselves or wear special shirts. The father who was killed in front of his children at a restaurant off Sawmill a few years ago probably thought he was in a "safe" area too. Most of the trainers I have spoken to or studied believe in POGO (pants on gun on). Be aware so you don't unnecessarily break the law but if you have made the decision and conclusion to carry a gun, do it.

  10. Clay, As a follow up, your friend may want to consider some options in case they return. If they got a good haul the first time, there is a chance they will return. Maybe install a security system or add exterior lighting to discourage any future bad guys.
  11. Clay, Was the handgun stolen in the burglary and you friend is worried about it being traced back to him in future crimes? Or does your friend have a gun he bought from a private seller and is worried about needing to use it?


    For option 1, it would depend on where the gun was sold originally. From what I have read it takes and average of something like 15 years from when a gun is originally sold to when it is recovered in a crime. So whoever the original owner was may get a call and if your friend reported it, he may get a call. But either way if some POS stole your friends gun the criminal is to blame not your friend.


    For option 2, if he needs to use it for self defense it would be a good idea to know where or who he purchased it from. Just in case it may be tied to other crimes in the past, knowing how to backtrack it is a good thing. But like others have said, there is no registry in Ohio. The gun could have changed hands 20 times before your friend all through legal private sales. As long as he is legally allowed to own it, I wouldn't worry about it. There is a good book out by Alan Korwin called After You Shoot. I highly recommend it for anyone thinking of using a gun in self defense. Read it twice. Good luck

  12. For the rental agents at Penske and ERAC: Are you going near xxx Road? Buy the damage waiver, you will need it.


    I think I would open a box truck repair business right next to the bridge.

  13. I have never lived outside Ohio so it's hard so picks permanent place where I want to go. I like seasons but as I get older I dislike the cold more and more. Once the kids are grown and I do not care about the school system I hope to move out of the city. I need a building to store cars and a place to shoot but I would still like to be close enough to civilization to get groceries and parts relatively easily.
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