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Posts posted by Dharris89

  1. Pics of the heaters?


    I can send pics but I keep having trouble pasting them. Text me and I’ll get pics for you. 614-216-0567


    You may not have a bunch of stuff but for what it's worth an estate sale may be worth while depending on how much more you need to go through. I personally know holly and her daughter from salesbyholly.com and they are kind, respectful and can make the process really easy with no cost to you. And will even remove anything that doesn't sell if you want.


    Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk


    I thought about that but I don’t think there is enough “good” stuff to do a sale. I still have to get rid of my great-grandmothers couch. Thank you for the thought though I appreciate any help I can get. I did find a suitcase of 70’s era leisure suits.

  2. I am cleaning out my dad’s house and have a bunch of stuff to clear out. He smoked so everything has an aroma but it’s free. I’ll be there tomorrow (2/3) if you want pics or want to pick up. Everything is near Cleveland Avenue and 161. David 614-216-0567


    **edit there are some book cases that are FREE.****


    1 weight bench - it’s old school bench no frills. Have found some plastic sand weights




    2 ping pong table. It’s big but folds up for 1 or 2 players. A couple paddles come too. I realized yesterday it is slightly warped. It may be better as a train table or base for something else. Still free.



    3 full living room set. It’s cloth and and looks new. There is a couch, love seat, chair and ottoman.



    4 Set of 4 TV trays with stand.


    5 two small space heaters. Actually 3 I found another one.




    6 Full set of diningware plates, cutlery etc. the plates are white and a pink/salmon color.


    7 Two drawer vertical file cabinet.


    More to come.

  3. Usually around Labor Day, Memorial Day etc there will be some decent sales. Try the Hornady single stage press kit. It’s usually about $250 on sale. Double that once you get the dies, primers, powder brass and misc other stuff.


    This is a great book to help you get started.



    I do mostly handgun but let me know if you are looking for stuff and I can try to steer you where to find it. Good luck.

  4. When I had my appendicitis the hospital gave me a drug I was allergic to and my throat closed up which I didn’t like. My bill showed 6 doses. I called and said they either take it off or talk to my lawyer because they knowingly gave me a drug I was allergic to. They took it off quickly.


    All this to say, I think they bill anything they can. But in my experience when you call BS on their billing they are usually responsible and take it off. Good luck.

  5. Let other people drive them. No flat spots and the batteries will stay good.


    Seriously though watch for critters and check tail pipes and under the hood. I just had a friend with an RV find a ground hog nested in his RV’s motor compartment. It has chewed the entire wiring harnesses to bits.

  6. I have worked as a commercial real estate appraiser for about 11 years. While I have learned a lot about the real estate market, I am looking to change jobs or carriers. I still like real estate and would like something in that field since that is what I know but I am open to other opportunities. In the last few years I have plateaued as far as pay and our insurance has tripled in the last 5. As of January I will be paying more for medical insurance for my family than my mortgage. I have thought of the larger banks, insurance companies etc. if anyone has any ideas or good HR contacts please let me know. Having been out of the market for this long means a little rusty at “hitting the pavement.” Thank you to anyone with feedback or advice.
  7. I enjoy shooting and try to go about once a week. After the kids are in bed I reload. On weekends if I have free time I cast my own boolits and power coat them. If I counted my time I wouldn’t really save money but it’s therapeutic, detail oriented and satisfying to take a bunch of raw components and turn it into something fun.
  8. The two biggest concerns I would have would be your privacy and insurance. Doing side work for CR folks would be fine but you are inviting potential strangers to your house. Are you comfortable with the that?


    From an insurance standpoint I would make sure your tools and other “shop” stuff are fully covered just in case. Also doing side work I would have a limit of liability form every one signs just to protect you.


    All that said, I’ll definitely bring stuff to you.

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