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Posts posted by Xbomb

  1. because of how old it was and the lack of activity. threads get closed and sent to archive after so long, been that way for a long time.
    Ah cool, Here is one that didn't close.

    This way we don't have to sit here and grip and prove innocence about something that happened in 2011. Everyone that's interested can read many opinion's here.




    See you at the finish line!




    Foot Note: No harm intended, A little trash is good every now and then.....:p

  2. You would think that if a guy was wanting to cheat on the tree. He wouldn't ask for a camera.

    Now if a guy has been fucked and knows he didn't cheat. He would want the camera. Correct?

    I cant help it these people sleep on the tree or arm drops. They make things to practice on, well the for tree.


    Now step up and grab a lane.

  3. Slept? Right...


    My point is before you start crying about people cheating, you need to remember that you have been accused of the same thing.


    It really bugs me personally when people do that, so take it for what it is.


    Sorry to thread shit Fill, I hope to make this event.

    what ever. I know I didn't cheat and that's all that matter to me. Fuck what you or anyone else thinks.

    Last time I checked if their is no red light it's good.

    I even done a poll and it was in my favor as a clean race.

    • Downvote 1
  4. Anyone wanna race for entry into the quick 8? If i win, you pay my way in. If i lose i pay your way in.

    No test passes. Do it 1st thing. 1/4 mile Heads up, No tree.

    If either punk out 100.00 lock in money must be paid.


    Any takers?

  5. I just thought i would give you guys that play the door slammers game a heads up that we are holding a shootout on YB this evening. We are meeting in chat at 5pm today.



    Yellow Bullet Door Slammers Shootout


    N/A Class

    Heads Up

    Pro Tree

    Any N/A Combo



    Bracket Class

    Sportsman Tree

    Any Combo



    Outlaw Shootout

    Heads up

    Pro tree

    Any Combo with Blower, Turbo, Or Nitrous



    General Rules:

    We will all gather in a thread on YB.

    We will communicate with each other in this thread.

    Once everyone is ready, we will pair 2 cars from each class and run them off

    After the race, both are to return to the YB thread and declare the winner of your race.

    If the game messes up. IE: 2 cars in one lane, screen freezes, etc. We will rerun the race.

    If you mess up during staging, burnout, red lights etc. and lose, We will not rerun the race.

  6. I just read some where (maybe here) that someone was doing a deposit scam like you said above. The phone they use is a throw away phone. By the time they have your money and you have nothing to go on...the phone is in the trash and they are buying another for the next victims....all while smoking the rock!
  7. What shame for us real street racers. I never understood why someone would want to fly around 270 and see who could make it around the fastest! Its to dangerous!

    If you must and feel the need to street race. Take it somewhere far away from any traffic! There is so many untraveled county roads. Why on a major highway? Be smart about it stupid!

    I want to add that i understand both sides, But i do not support this law. To many variables.

  8. November 24th 2012 at U.S. 60 Raceway in Hardinsburg, Ky


    Gates open at 9:00a.m. CST


    Admission is $10.00 at the gate. If you have a car you would like to race this covers your car also Buy ins for the classes are seperate.


    Cars, Trucks, and bikes welcome!




    Track will be unprepped and ready for grudge racing at 11:00 CST


    You make your race and we will try to accomodate you.


    12:00p.m. CST RWUB TRUE Radial Tire


    $20.00 Buy in


    No times will be shown.


    Car must be on a true store bought radial tire with a traction rating of 180 or higher.


    Traction rating must be clearly visible on the sidewall of the tire.


    Must be a street car with current tags and proof of insurance. This will be checked when you register!


    Pairings will be round by round by a card draw.


    Race will be heads up with the tree going straight from staged to green(NO Yellow Lights!)


    Red light = Lose Cross Lanes = Lose


    At 2:00p.m. CST the racing will stop. The track will then be prepped. After the track is prepped we will begin Grudge Racing in between test shots and eliminations of the next class.


    3:00p.m. RWUB 10.5


    $100.00 Buy in Winner Take All!


    No Times will be shown.


    Run What You Brung on max tire 29.5x10.5 Non W or a 315 Drag Radial.


    No Wheelie bars


    No Chassis Cars


    No Rails


    Race will be Heads up. Tree will drop from staged to green.(no Yellow lights)


    Pairings will be round by round by a card draw.


    Red light=Lose Cross = Lose


    Also during this time we will run the Pit Bike Shootout.


    Pit Bike Shootout


    $10.00 buy in winner take all


    50cc only


    Street rules


    Off a flagger, Chase is a race.


    To the 330ft mark


    If a rider jumps and the other sits, the rider who jumps must raise a hand to abort the run.


    Jump and don't return = Lose Cross = Lose



    We will allow grudge racing with larger pit bikes, golf carts, side by sides, and quads. ALL RIDERS MUST WEAR A HELMET! NO EXCEPTIONS.





    For any questions or more info Call or Text 270-312-0691


    Thank you.

  9. Saw this a few months ago.... Worst dipiction of street racing ever. None of the busts were street racing related and all the cars were junk ass ricers. Why don't they find real street racing and do a true document about it? Not this stock Honda vs stock Honda bs.
    Maybe they are targeting that crowd.....and i see nothing wrong with that.

    Those that know how to get it done right....Dont do that!

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