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Everything posted by Sledhead36

  1. I may have some, will keep in touch with the number. How many you looking for minimum? Maximum?
  2. I have a copy of the lawsuit, it will not go anywhere, both had no right to be in business when you run it by the seat of your pants with no business acumen.
  3. The car never has had an issue, he lied and lied to make himself look good. I learned long ago standing on top of people really never makes you look taller. Just more of an idiot. Stand on your own feet, people will notice without you telling them how great you might be.
  4. I use AGI for all my stuff including my trailers. Adam Wright used to teach at Mid Ohio and is the owner. Excellent work. http://www.customvehiclegraphicscolumbusohio.com/Home
  5. Link was disabled, but the latest rumor is that his so called new shop (that he signed a5 year lease) is not zoned for what they do.........oops
  6. Lol, I will stay in the Italian section just for you.
  7. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:31vpWJvr4wcJ:www.luxury4play.com/lamborghini/123954-since-ctd-had-cry-get-their-thread-removed-my-reply.html+&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  8. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:31vpWJvr4wcJ:www.luxury4play.com/lamborghini/123954-since-ctd-had-cry-get-their-thread-removed-my-reply.html+&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  9. Lol, so true. If there is only one price, you don't need sales people.
  10. The court decided this, and we must believe they looked at all the evidence....case settled. Not guilty.
  11. Fact, he was caught with Jewelry in his back pack days before, it is in other news reports. The lean, may be a jump in tought process but he had a checkered past recently and was expelled from school for the theft issue, That is the whole reason he was at his Dads house in the first place.
  12. Do you really have all the information on what happened? Our TV media is telling you what they want you to know, do not be a sheep.... http://www.ldjackson.net/afterburner-with-bill-whittle-the-truth-about-trayvon-martin/
  13. This guy, I know him well. Straight shooter.
  14. Stopped and looked at both yesterday, I like the interior better in the Ram. The Ford is very techy and square looking. Still need to drive them, the pulling power on the Ram is rated at 30,000 with the new diesel and transmission for the 2013. Seems like the customers have not been thrilled with the past models, but maybe they hit a home run with the new power train. The Fords have a great reputation, not as nice inside, however I have not seen the Platinum yet.
  15. All really good info, plan to drive them in the next day or so. Amazing how many sales people have offered to help, its all good.
  16. Great stuff, this really helps.
  17. Great analysis and write up, thanks for all the info.
  18. May never be a problem again, it has more to do with the ground being saturated.
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