Doesn't surprise me. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but..... ( I know this incident will be turned into a gun debate by the liberal left politicians )
1.) In the Orlando killing, people reported doors being barricaded or being held shut by someone during the incident. The shooter had time to update his Facebook during the shooting and was somehow able to sneak over 7 magazines and a full size rifle past bouncers into a small night club. There are so many things that don't add up.
2.) During the Sandy Hook shooting, a few news outlets first reported the shooting being committed by multiple pistols but then later ignored the fact that they reported it originally, and then later reported that the crime was committed with an AR15.
3.) George Soros was proven to have founded the BLM movement. Why?....
4.) After the Orlando killing, much was omitted from the transcript released to the public whereas when the shooting at Planned Parenthood occurred when a "white" "conservative" "christian" committed the crime, everything was released for the public to view right after....
5.) Not a word about guns needing to be banned was mentioned from the president or others after multiple Sailors and Marines were shot at/killed in Chattanooga at a Naval Operational Support Center. In fact, after the incident, there were criminal charges pending against the Lieutenant Commander coming form the very top, all because he had "illegally" concealed carried his own gun to work and actually ended up shooting the killer during the incident which is believed to have saved lives.
6.) President Obama spoke out about the killing of Trayvon Martin, but since then there have been many unarmed white kids and adults alike killed by police that have received no attention at all from the media or president.
There are so many things that are being manipulated from our government and media alike. Never mind all of the personal and family ties that white house and Obama administration's members have had to the media. Let's not forget that asshole that used to be the public speaker for Obama. He's completely disappeared from all news and media as if he never existed.
There's more going on in our country than people are observing right now.