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Everything posted by Sledhead36

  1. It is unfortunate, but I think you have no grounds for a lawsuit or action. Because you went first, you set the spacing. If the guy was a stand up guy, he would split the cost of the joint fencing. But I see this happen in my Westerville neighborhood all the time. many of the people just ask them to split the cost.
  2. I would add train horns to that set up.....
  3. I stand by my statement. He deserved to be decommissioned. I rest my case
  4. Yep crazy times, picture of the perp. .http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160711/a1b4199a24dfab48e0ce25cba9c65d38.jpg Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Most of you are too young to recall this....but this was not the first time cops used a bomb. Why is it such a big deal? Total nut job with a Gun, killing innocent people....No court costs, No prison costs...no additional lives lost. http://www.nytimes.com/1985/05/14/us/police-drop-bomb-on-radicals-home-in-philadelphia.html?pagewanted=all
  6. Doesn't surprise me. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but..... ( I know this incident will be turned into a gun debate by the liberal left politicians ) 1.) In the Orlando killing, people reported doors being barricaded or being held shut by someone during the incident. The shooter had time to update his Facebook during the shooting and was somehow able to sneak over 7 magazines and a full size rifle past bouncers into a small night club. There are so many things that don't add up. 2.) During the Sandy Hook shooting, a few news outlets first reported the shooting being committed by multiple pistols but then later ignored the fact that they reported it originally, and then later reported that the crime was committed with an AR15. 3.) George Soros was proven to have founded the BLM movement. Why?.... 4.) After the Orlando killing, much was omitted from the transcript released to the public whereas when the shooting at Planned Parenthood occurred when a "white" "conservative" "christian" committed the crime, everything was released for the public to view right after.... 5.) Not a word about guns needing to be banned was mentioned from the president or others after multiple Sailors and Marines were shot at/killed in Chattanooga at a Naval Operational Support Center. In fact, after the incident, there were criminal charges pending against the Lieutenant Commander coming form the very top, all because he had "illegally" concealed carried his own gun to work and actually ended up shooting the killer during the incident which is believed to have saved lives. 6.) President Obama spoke out about the killing of Trayvon Martin, but since then there have been many unarmed white kids and adults alike killed by police that have received no attention at all from the media or president. There are so many things that are being manipulated from our government and media alike. Never mind all of the personal and family ties that white house and Obama administration's members have had to the media. Let's not forget that asshole that used to be the public speaker for Obama. He's completely disappeared from all news and media as if he never existed. There's more going on in our country than people are observing right now.
  7. Why is it that every time our government does something completely moronic...... there is a shooting somewhere?
  8. I 100% agree, I have several trailers and people often wonder why I wont just let them use them. Insurance cost, misc maintenence, license tabs alone is $500 a year. The few times I did let people use them, they came back scratched or damaged and nobody seems to step up. Just not worth the few bucks.
  9. I can't make your two events the first week of July. I'm most likely going to be up in Minneapolis for their cars and coffee. It's amazing they have over 800 cars show up. But I will check your schedule and see if you guys get close again and will definitely give you a shout.
  10. I met both of these guys about five years ago at my church, it has been incredible to watch them take off and have this kind of success. Every concert around the world is sold out.
  11. Perfect, want to use PayPal? Or I can meet up in a couple of weeks.
  12. According Elon Musk.....yes And if not for Snowden....you would not know half of what our government has done.
  13. I know, it sounds far-fetched. But what if, and everything that we're talking about is hypothetical, but what if they let the season turn out the way that it just naturally turns out. But when you get to the finals......you try to produce a game 7 at all costs. Then game 7 is a real game, winner takes all. It would be like telling the teams that they go out and play for fun and things will remain even through game six, use them as practice games but the real game is game 7. It would be no different than having one game as a final game instead of a playoff series. Hell, playoff series was created for money in the first place. Otherwise not why not just play one game like football
  14. No, just that a lot of people think it......lol, especially her. That just popped up on my feed.
  15. I have no dog in this fight, I dont care who wins, but I am not naive either.....Money talks. http://www.aol.com/article/2016/06/17/stephen-currys-wife-accuses-nba-of-being-rigged-for-money-or-r/21397257/
  16. http://www.youngcons.com/leaked-dnc-emails-prove-that-nomination-was-rigged-for-hillary-a-year-ago/
  17. Thank you, Einstein. If you think almost everything isn't rigged, when it comes to politics or sports you need to get your head out of the sand.
  18. I agree, I think there conjuring up all kinds of false information to make this a gay/love/hate crime, rather than radical Islam. Our government does not want to believe that there are any Terrace in this country. I actually have not turned on the television in two days now, because of the lines of bullshit that's coming out of the media.
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