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Posts posted by Geeesammy

  1. Your such a fucking idiot. How would you like to order an item . BE TOLD YOU CANT CANCEL IT (I finally was able to) and for them to not even offer you your shipping back......


    I'm sorry that your a push over little bitch who will stand by idly and allow a corporation to piss on your face. Maybe your into that kinda shit..... When I feel I'm done wrong I adress it.


  2. I'm not going to argue though. Another war means more debt which we don't need. I believe if it becomes a full fledged war and Israel is getting their ass kicked, step in, until that happens or they ASK for our help, we sit back. Our wars have been dragging on long enough. I'm sick of seeing our national debt skyrocket knowing I won't ever see that number hit 0 in my lifetime, or maybe even my kids lifetime. I also don't like the idea of China owning us...
  3. If they are cracking down on street racing even then they need to crack down on texting and driving a lot more as well IMO. Sitting at a stop light and sending one is one thing, but going 75-80 MPH down the freeway in thick traffic, and then coming up on stopped traffic out of nowhere (which seems to be everywhere) is a good way to get people hurt or killed. I'm sure there are more accidents related to texting and driving than street racing. I'm unaware of the current penalty for texting while driving, but I'm gonna assume it doesn't involve a suspension, and likely isn't anything more than 2 points.
  4. We'll have to agree to disagree. The facts show both here on the board and in every state that the consequences aren't strong enough to deter the behavior. No need to increase patrols or costs to the entire population to fund the manpower needed when you can instead ratchet up the consequences which have much lower costs to the general public.


    That is the one thing I can agree with you on lol. But we will likely both agree the consequences are severe enough for some to stop doing it. Unfortunately for some it's not.

  5. I don't see vengeance here, I see someone now personally motivated to change a system that want strict enough to curb the behavior that as a result impacted her deeply.

    In my opinion they are strict enough as is. What do you feel isn't very strict about them? Not trying to be a dick about it, but I'd like to think 6 points, a no privilege suspension and high risk insurance is enough deterrent. For me it was enough to keep me form ever getting anything close to being in that situation, not trying to brag, but I'd like to think I'm able to make a bit wiser decisions than my counterparts.

    When I explained my side of the story to my lawyer, and he told me the code word for word, and then told me the potential consequences, I nearly shit myself, and I'm not being sarcastic.

    If anything I think she should go after the police equally for not patrolling the streets well enough to stop them. Just like when a LEO told me after I had to file a report for slashed tires in a not so nice area of town in Dayton. "Well if you didn't want anything to happen to your stuff, then why were you down here?" It was still partially my fault, but I believe it's even more of a fault and shame on the officers for knowing they have an issue, but still don't seem to care.


    I would have more respect for her if she pushed better enforcement of it, rather than stiffer consequences. They somewhat did the same thing with DUI/OVI If I understand correctly.

  6. What you are charged with is pretty much always up to the discretion of the LEO. How is this any different when it comes to you being nailed for street racing or you being nailed for speeding or charged with reckless op? All of those have boundaries and room for interpretation. Don't like it, fight it in court. Your encounter with an LEO isn't a trial. Even the case in point the other driver (a member of CR) wasn't found guilty of street racing.


    Yes, you are correct, it is. From my understanding as far as severity goes, street racing is pretty much #2 behind drunk driving. The thing is, at least in my opinion, it's far more impressive for a cop to say "oh I caught 4 guys racing on 70" than "oh, I caught 4 reckless drivers on 70." This is where the boundaries and interpretations come into play. A police officer is going to be more keen on interpreting something as street racing if it involves modified cars whereas if it involved 2 Ford Fiesta's (excluding Ken Blocks lol). While it might not be a trial, it usually involves being found guilty unfortunately, especially if someone my age (early 20's) were to be ticketed for it. Our court systems are unfortunately biased against all groups, ages, etc.


    Rare instance but would you be surprised that it has happened to me too? February 2006, find the post here on CR. I had to fight a reckless op ticket on my way home from the airport because the cop said I was part of a string of other cars racing down the road. I face a 6pt reckless op ticket and thus would have lost my company car. Was I pissed, sure. However a $500 lawyer and 1hr in court and it was a non issue. Sucks that my wife and I and five Ben Franklins got involved, but the same shit happens every day when knuckleheads cost others their deductible for rear ending them. Once the facts are put in place odds are good you will not be held liable for something you were shown to not be doing. There will always be exceptions, nothing is B&W and you can't go around not putting laws in place because of it. I think it's pretty clear given the instances like hers and others that the penalties aren't steep enough to deter the behavior.


    I can believe it. I'm not going to doubt it, but this is where me saying the LEO's judgement comes into play. I'm not going to go into detail about the money part of mine, because it was easily double of what your's costed, and I had a part time job at McDonalds. I'll drop it at that. There are laws in place for street racing. In my own personal opinion I believe she is pissed over the fact that no one was punished by law for injuring her. Then man who struck her was killed by his own actions, and I believe she is just seeking vengeance now to get the "closure" for lack of better term, that she desires.


    Don't hate on Monica for pushing a bill like this, blame those that put her there and others doing the same or driving like fuck-sticks for forcing the card. Own it man, if you've ever played race-me on the freeway with another car (we all pretty much have) then you're part of the problem.


    How are cops not kept in check anymore? What's changed within the legal system to warrant your use of the word "anymore". :confused: Please share. Again, you're not found guilty on the side of the road with three other cars. Each has their day in court.

    I'm not "hating" on her for pushing it. But to me I'd want to get the hell on with my life. Each day she fights for this is another day she has to think about what she went through, and it's another day that she could have been enjoying the life she is lucky, as all of us are, to have.


    From all of the research projects I've done in school, I've found that most LEO's will almost always write a ticket, even when the "suspect" is doubtful to have committed the crime. I.E. A LEO is sitting in his car, in an alley. Hears a car racing it's engine and squealing tires. His natural instinct will be to looks for any car resembling what he pictured in his head, and pursue it, even with no visual evidence. I have IIRC nearly 50-65 pages of 2 separate reports on this for a psychology class, if you'd really like I would be more than happy to try and find them, or attempt to snag them off of my old hard-drive and upload them, with all my resources and information used listed.


    IIRC you supported Obama and the Democrats.....aka big gov't. You're just getting what you voted for. Ted Celeste has been an asshole Dem for decades, sucked as governor and even tried to push to end the death penalty. He's also supported fucking you and all the middle class with Obamacare. Enjoy what you brought upon yourself this law included. Hell the LEO Unions have to insure their pensions are paid for. Selling off hot rods and expensive cars will go a long way in helping.


    If I ever made it to sound like I supported him 100% I'm sorry, but I don't. I'll throw this out there, that me vote was neither for Mitt or Barack. Call it a wasted vote, but it's my vote. I support SOME things Obama has done, and there aren't too many. I'm sure if you were in my situation then you would find Obama more appealing than Mitt, if you want the details you are more than welcome to PM me and I'd be glad to shed some light as to why.

    Not trying to step on your toes at all or come off as an asshole, this is all just simply my opinion, we are all entitled to one, and we all have one.:)

  7. This law however leaves it to the officer's judgement



    Everyone it seems is missing the point here. It's not that we are saying street racing shouldn't be legal, and we arent saying it's ok, but it completly to easy for a scumbag cop (which their are plenty of..) to push the line and bullshit his side, just like in my case. The law in a nutshell says "two cars side by side taking off from a stop, or a paced count while moving" and goes on further to say a pace car, etc. So how about you are going down the road, two people race, and you are in your modded car when the cop catches up, and they are doing 75-80 right beside you? All the call they got said was multiple vehicles racing, and now they are ticketing you as well? Don't think it's happened? I know 3 people in the Dayton area that have had this EXACT same thing happen.


    -Not saying you don't deserved to be punished if caught, and not saying it isn't dangerous. But I'm simply stating it's too easy to be found "guilty" on a bullshit ticket a cop wrote. The systems aren't kept in check anymore, and unfortunately it seems in society today we are all to willing to give up a bit of freedom for an added sense of "safety."

  8. I think another issue on hand is too many cops wanting to look like the Knight in shining armor. They are willing to bend the truth to make themselves look good, because to be honest, why would someone in the court system take a suspect's word who is already trying to get out of the crime, over a cop's who (in the court's eye's) has no reason to lie about events? It's a flawed system with more and more cops being the kid who was picked on in high school and is looking for his own personal vengence, than to make sure things are done correctly.

    Shit, I remember my dad telling me stories of where he was drunk, get pulled over, and the cop would have him leave his car in a parking lot and give his ass a ride home. Given this was back in the late 60's early 70's and a different time, and he wouldn't be blackout, but over the limit.

  9. This doesn't seem like much of a revision to me. IIRC the last time I reviewed the law, if found guilty, it was a minimum suspension with no privileges for 6 months-3 years. 6 point violation and high-risk insurance. From the sounds of it now all they are adding is your car gets taken and a minimum suspension of a year and a more severe standing in the levels of law. I got tagged for street racing in May of '11, and it was a complete BS charge, and luckily I had the money for a damn good lawyer.


    In cases like mine, where it's a guy getting a BS ticket because of guilt by association and may not have the means to pay for it, what happens? I had an '01 T/A with exhaust. If I was driving let's say, a Ford Escape, he would have taken off after the Civic, and I would have been driving as usual. But instead with a legally modified car I was automatically assumed to be associated with the guy taking off, and therefore a criminal in the police officers eyes. All because some idiot in a civic hatch with no exhaust, neons, and a wing the size of a bench pulled up next to me at a red light and punched it, while I took off slowly as I normally would. So then I get pulled over and ticketed, car towed, no ride, etc., while the guy who actually did idiotic stuff runs, and gets off with nothing but a grin and cool story. While I get a ticket at age 19 that could severely impact my life and a family members'. I was very fortunate to have the money for a lawyer, and was even more fortunate that the judge actually somehow believed my side of the story.


    I'm not saying all street racers are innocent, and not saying it should be legal by any means. Not condoning it, etc. Just simply giving an alternate point of view that is rarely ever heard. I'll be the first to also say I street raced after that. But when I did I made damn sure it happened on a back country road with no one around but me and the guy who I was racing. Does that make it a crime still? Yes. But it is substantially safer to the public than on I-70.

  10. I don't even want to think about it.... 10 bucks Hillary fucking runs..


    I'll put $20 down that she gets the nomination as well. Really wouldn't surprise me one bit if she did.


    The choice of candidates on both sides in my opinion has been lackluster since the first Bush was around IMO. I'm no where near old enough to know, but from what I've gathered most people who are would agree.

  11. I've watched this twice. They throw in so many unrelated events that are likely 100% unrelated it's not funny. Not defending the racers, but a wreck involving an intoxicated driver? I'm not sure of the exact circumstances of it, but remember thinking "How the hell is this even related?" But they have it right about the big ass stupid "meets" for lack of better word, that have nothing but 16-18 second civics with cut springs and useless wings.

    Just my two cents though.

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