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Posts posted by Geeesammy

  1. 2JZ Celica Supra. They look amazing when done right. Over the weight limit potentially

    240/280 Datsun. Rb25 or Rb26 swapped.

    Older 300ZX with a newer T/T motor in it.

    Just my quick 2 cents. I've always wanted a 280Z with a full cage and RB26 in the bay, but that's just me.

    Also just saw the 240/LS1 or swap comment. While it's still unique so many 240's are getting LS swapped. I see as many LS or LM or LQ swapped 240's they almost compete with SR's. If I swapped a 240 It would be with the RB or LS platform. Both can take a beating more than I've heard the SR can.

  2. Looking to have my back window re-done, and likely just getting the whole car done. Had a minor incident with two kegs in the hatch that rubbed the tint off...

    Does anyone on the forum themselves run a small gig that is good with reasonable prices, or know of anyone who does? If not where is a good place to go? Trying to avoid Ziebart if I can. It's on my Supra and I need the back and side windows done. Possibly windshield (yes, I know it's illegal) done, or at least the top 6" done. Just curious as to

    • Downvote 1
  3. Just gonna list a few things I knew were wrong with mine when I sold it..

    Leaky steering rack, fluid boils easily in F-body's and I'm sure contributed to my rack being junk. Headlight motors. A4 cars it's usually not as bad, but the rear end. It's hard to check but on mine when I bought it at 78,000 miles it had bad intake gaskets somehow..no telling how though...I know they are reusable. Typical redneck cutting corners to fix stuff, even if the owner seems pretty straight forward and the car is stock F-Bodys are such a bitch to work on that their is no telling if a mechanic cut corners to just get it out of his hair, I know I did. Other than that not much else, shocks may still be OEM, but no telling, I know mine were getting bad and they were OEM I believe and it had right at 100,000 when I sold it.

  4. I would look into petroleum engineering as a degree, move to texas for oil companies, and bang blonde strippers in the ass on weekends.


    The only engineering degree I think I could make it through would be civil. Although buttsecks with Texas blondes sounds promising I don't think that will cure my ADD.

    I've done a good bit of research, welding sounds like it would suit me better as a side job/hobby. I dont think I could do it 40+ hours a week for years on end.

  5. Teach yourself and work for yourself. Harder to get established but much better payoff.

    I would honestly love to if I had the time and resources more importantly. If my finances and current living situation allowed me a place and time to sit and practice for hours on end I'm sure I would be able to figure a lot out, but unfortunately I can't afford a welder that would be worth a damn and I feel like I would just be better suited to head somewhere to get some schooling and then maybe on down the road pickup some equipment and start my own thing on the side, and then maybe make it a full time deal once I get a decent customer base.


    If you can get into a "real" welding career with no experience, they must be desperate for employees.


    The guy doesn't know the first thing about welding, do you think a company is going to throw him in there as a work hazard and say "here's your welder, start building." no.



    I never said I "cant" or I'm afraid to. I have certified welder friends that do this for a living. I have plenty of years of welding and fabrication. I would still not want to make welding a career without getting properly taught in school.


    That's like saying someone who doesn't know anything about Wrenching, but has seen it done. Can jump right in and be a master tech. Highly doubt it without proper training, and the only place that will probably hire you is valvoline. So he is better off going to school and getting a degree in welding if he wants to make a career out of it.


    This is kind of what I'm trying to hint at. I'm sure after a good bit of looking I would be able to find someone that would say "Yeah, I'll hire you on, but you won't be getting any training towards being a welder until X months from now." Which will really be a waste of time in my eyes because who knows what could change within the company in that amount of time. Knowing my luck I would be told that, then the time would pass, get no training and keep getting told "oh, well the economy...." "we don't need any more welders.." etc.

  6. Kind of just throwing my Koenig's up to see what I can get. No need to sell.

    -4 Koenig Villains 17"..I believe the offset is around 30-35 Minimal curb rash, need a good cleaning.


    -4 Kuhmo Ecsta ASX All Seasons 235-40-17

    About 50%-60% tread life left If I had to put a number out there

  7. I used to work at worthington cylinders and I can tell you from experience that there is a reason they are always looking to hire, the pay is shitty (at least ten years ago when I worked there), and they act like slave drivers (they used to give me shit for going to take a piss). They also tend to hire a lot of temps and lay them off in 6 months to a year so they can keep the costs of employment down, at least that's what I observed when I worked there.


    Now back on topic, welding is a pretty cool trade and it can pay well. My question is for you though, is this something you want to do for the rest of your life? It's a good skill to have for a hobby or to do it for a couple hours a day, but doing it for 8 hours a day for 20 years or so will cause sight problems still. I did it for 8 hours a day for 2 years and I already notice a slight change in my eyesight, so I recently changed jobs to prevent any further damage. I'm not trying to talk you out of it, just trying to give you something to think about.


    That is something I have considered. It honestly may just be something I use to make decent money while In college if I ever decide to go to school. If the economy wasn't in the shitter I'd be all over going to school for an actual degree, and not "basket weaving" or something similar. Don't feel like doing 6 years worth of engineering classes only to get out with a degree and be thousands in debt with no job. It's always good to have a back up plan.

  8. He is looking to make a career out of this, I highly doubt that being self taught your welds are worth anything in a career point of view.


    Exactly. My father was a Marine in Vietnam, and learned to weld through the military but when he went to work at Wright Patt AFB back in Dayton he had t take Hobarts' courses just to be able to do the somewhat advanced stuff. Given the fact he was a steam/pipe fitter though..


    Ideally I would like to get welding experience in structural and pipe then go through school and get a Civil Engineering degree and do the same stuff my dad did. Fix boilers all day and dick off when they run right. Made pretty damn good money for what he did was well.

  9. Eastland career center welding program. Got my friend in a nice job at worthington cylinders.

    I've heard from a lot of people Worthington Cylinders is a good place to work and it seems like they are always needing a few people as well.


    I learned just by doing it. Not saying I'm the best welder out there, but what i weld holds and looks decent. I learned on stick welding.

    The welding on the duals on the Fox Body I did is still holding about a year later so I guess I didn't do too bad hahah.


    Our company hired a girl from Hobart. She can weld pretty good if that means anything to the credibility of Hobart.

    It does, do you know what program she took by chance?

  10. Look into some of the vocational schools in your area our career centers. I know a few people that have done it that way. Or you could apply at my work but there's no certainty they will put you on as a welder but they will train you.


    I was looking into a few. Just don't want to waste my time and money at one that has a shitty reputation. I've known a few guys that have gone that route, and it does sound nice, but at the same time I don't want to end up just becoming a laborer instead of getting trained. Not saying it would happen at your place, just don't to jump in neck deep only to find out that it wasn't going to happen like I intended and thought. Been down that road one too many times. Given it wasn't for welding, but I guess with age I've learned not to put all my coins in a bag to throw on the table at once. :mad:

  11. If anyone here is a welder or personally knows one I've got a few questions..trying to get my foot in the door and I'm not sure really where to start around here. I have virtually next to no experience so obviously I will need some classes on the methods. The only time I have ever personally done any welding was MIG on a vehicles exhaust system, which for having no instruction or practice before I did fairly well. I've tossed around the idea of moving back to Dayton and attending Hobart's Combination program, but will an employer really value Hobart that much more than say any other school local to Columbus? Hobart I know is very well respected but the money is crazy to attend, plus staying here I can stay with my mom and save a minimum of $400/month on housing. I know you gotta pay to play..but if there is another option local to take I'd give it a strong consideration. I'm willing to turn it into a career if the money is okay, since attending college really won't work out for me. Skilled trades are in a huge lack right now from what I hear and welding has always sparked an interest for me.


    Cliffs: Want to weld, where is a respectable school in Columbus to start?

    Is Hobart worth the money?

    Job outlook upon graduation as long as I am worth a damn (assuming I will be, failing at this point isn't really an option.)


    Thanks all

  12. You really need to read up on him a bit, where he grew up and how he achieved what he has earned. Just saying.



    research it on your own. opinions are all just that and news is all biased. list your top 3-5 areas of interest and look at past facts and future plans from both and determine for yourself.


    I'm somewhat confused now. I came to my conclusion of my vote as of now based upon the latter statement you made. And I really don't need to share them, but I will. College aid, Healthcare, Track record (i.e. how many times they have flip flopped) and the ability to relate to me....whether they went through it or not. Now let me evaluate how I concluded Obama.


    1.Simply put, since I have a job making above minimum wage living at home I won't get shit except a "low interest student loan." Sadly I can get that already with my credit score being better than most people twice my age.

    2. Obamacare has helped both me and my family tremendously. My mother has MS, and her healthcare premiums actually DROPPED due to some policy's enacted. Although she is too far right wing to care about losing a few thousand on health care, I'm sure she enjoyed the savings.

    3. YouTube any words relating to "Mitt Romey" and "flip flop, changed opinions, etc." and do the same to Obama, I'm sure Romney has changed ten-fold over the past few months than the amount Obama has his entire life.

    4. Like what I said previously "Borrow money from your parents if you have to.." along with many others...

  13. When was Obama "average to lower income"? Neither of these guys knows the plight of the common man from personal experience no matter what they try to sell you.


    Well I'm sure he can relate to me a lot better than Romney can. Obama was closer to the middle class than Romney. $15 million a year is just filthy rich. His kids have no idea of a work ethic more than likely. Watch some of Romneys hiccups when he is talking to the "hometown crowd." It's pathetic. Obama may studder, but at a minimum he still makes it sound like he can relate and makes an attempt. I never said I liked Obama, just like him a lot more than Romney.

  14. One thing I can say is that being a college student living in a single parent household with the primary income being a disability check, my choice is extremely clear after seeing someone's plan for college education funding and aid. Unfortunately "borrowing money from my parents if (I) have to," just simply isn't an available option. It's hard for someone who is a multi-millionaire and has never been an average to lower income American in their lives to relate. He does have some good ideas for the county. But for me he is the worst of 2 bad options.

    Condensed version: The president shouldn't be the shiniest of two turds.

  15. Very interesting write up! I would be interested in attending if I knew my work schedule for that day currently. Even more so if I could find a somewhat attractive female date for the occasion that is near my age who would find it as interesting as me. But the odds of that are well below 1%. If I do end up deciding on coming and if I am able to get the allotted time off of work I would be glad to come along. I won't really know anyone attending and I'm assuming I'll be the youngest in the crowd...but if it involves history even in the slightest form I'm for the ride :D
  16. Ha, he and like 8 other people own that place.


    Seriously though, they sponsor my hockey team and they've always treated us good. Its definitely different. They only accept cash (no cc) and don't run any tabs. The story goes it use to be a brothel way back in the day but then fire burned half of it down. The half that didnt burn down is what the Ruckmoore is today. Its not a bad place really, but it attracts such a weird crowd. Ive been there on a saturday night and it was packed with younger crowd (20's) and other nights it will be all old people, other nights there will be a bunch of lesbians, etc... Just never know what kind of people will show up.


    As for around polaris i usually go to McFlips b/c i know a bartender there. Its not bad but not great either. There use to be a place called kennedy's which was an awesome little irish pub but it got bought out and the new owner made it into another sports bar, sweet.

    Never knew that really. Just based my thoughts on what my parents had told me lol. It's actually the Rucker's my parents were and still are decent friends with. My father went to school with Jimmy way back in the day, and I'm pretty sure my grandfather knew his dad, which is where I thought the name came from.

  17. I see your winking lizard and raise you a ruckmore pub. Ring toss game there is the shit plus cheap mixed drinks.


    Speaking of the ruckmoore a family friends' father owned it..by the comment im assuming it's not worth my while to visit lol.


    Thanks for all the good input..definitely some names ive heard before, but wasnt sure if any were worth a damn

  18. Pretty new to the area... What are the good bars that aren't too wild? Looking for something to kind of hit up as a regular and don't want to go to bdubs, smokey bones, applebees, etc. Just want a dedicated bar with a nice crowd that doesn't have high schoolers running around like idiots and toddlers screaming on Friday nights. I live east of Polaris just off of Polaris Pkwy. Doesn't have to be extremely close, but don't want to drive over 20 minutes for a great spot either..
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