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Posts posted by Geeesammy

  1. 2001 Trans Am stock suspension C, seemed like you could get great feedback in some scenarios, others it was non existent


    1992 Supra B+ Lowered stiffer springs/ shocks...great feedback, but still seems like there is some dead spots in feedback, havent had any good chances to really really push it yet however..


    2012 Cruze D+, electric steering, way too smooth of steering, can't feel anything, pushed it through a few turns and received virtually no feedback


    1992 Dodge Stealth RT/TT A- Buddies car, Awd and AWS on coilovers. Crazy wheel feedback, hugged the shit out of the road, Cobra rims all around helped however..


    2007 GSXR 600 knee dragging roller coaster rail ride :gabe:

  2. CPD choppers will lend mutual aid in other jurisdictions.

    Beat me to it. It'd be the same thing as a small podunk little town with some psycho in it taking a hostage and barricading himself inside, the nearest SWAT team will respond to assist. It seems like anytime I'm down near campus I always hear one overhead. Not to say it is or isn't CPD's however...

  3. Sounds like we need more street racing penalties.


    To quote a comment on 10tv.com:


    "While I'm saddened to read such a story, I can't help but wonder if the officer had lights and sirens on while responding. I see officers frequently traveling at a high rate of speed in response to calls without lights or sirens. When I've called to complain I'm told that it policy for certain types of calls not to approach the scene with lights and sirens in order to not give away they are coming."


    Valid question. If his lights were off, I don't see how anyone could say the cop is innocent, policy or not.

    I'm certain if they are chasing the guy he knows damn well he is being chased lol, so if he (the officer) didn't have them on during a call that doesn't require him to have them off, in my eyes he should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. It'd never happen, but just my 2 cents.

  4. Sadly they will likely find someway to pin the death onto the guy they were chasing. I understand that in the end he caused the situation, but like Aaron said, chases should only happen for extremely serious stuff. I'm fairly disappointed they didn't give more information on the actual crash. I see that as more serious than a guy making a threat since a life was lost. From the looks of the picture and how the story is written is that the officer either lost control, or the gentleman pulled out in front of him due to not seeing him. It seems like every officer wants their name in on the report of anything more serious than a window tint or front plate ticket.
  5. That was still a great game. Hate seeing Ohio State lose but they gave good indicators of what they are capable of. Hopefully they see what they did wrong, and more importantly fix it early on. I'd love to see this team make it deep into March. They definitely have the talent to, now they all just need to put it together and make it flow all the time.
  6. What are you limits as far as distance to go to get it rebuilt? I know of a guy in Dayton who does some of the best trans rebuilds I've seen. ASE master cert and plenty of references. I can check with him as far as pricing goes and see if he would be willing to do it.
  7. When I was 12 I had my first sexual experience. At the time, I lived in a little suburb outside of Cleveland and anyway, the girl next door and I were really good friends. Our parents were both gone for the day and she was over playing Transformers with me. So anyway, we kinda got.. Bored I guess? And we started playing truth or dare, which turned into ‘you show me yours, I’ll show you mine". So anyway there I Was, 12 years old, heart pounding, blood rushing in my ears, and the chick (who was a year older than me actually) takes off her panties and hikes her little skirt up. so What did I do, you ask? I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said “fresh” and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought “naw forget it, yo home to bel-air!” I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie “yo homes smell ya later!” Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air.
  8. guys, you'll never believe what just happened no less than 15 minutes ago. so my sister and her boyfriend came home while i was watching tv and they went into the kitchen to get some drinks. while in the kitchen they were doing their whole lovey dovey thing and kissing and playing grab-ass and what not, and it was unappealing to me, so i went up to my room. a few minutes later, i heard them enter into my sister's room and then some rustling occured. i thought nothing of it, they were probably just making out again on her bed. then i heard her scream and i got worried so i ran over to her room, and opened the door, got on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur!
  9. lol. once a mans headliner is used to floss asshole i don't think you need to talk to him to confirm that he's pissed.


    I guess my point was it's going to get at them more if you don't let them get a rise out of you. Obviously anyone in their right mind would be fucking irate lol

  10. to some people cars are more than just for racing. Why buy a car dump a bunch of money in it and go fast for maybe less than ten seconds and then put it back on a trailer just to let it sit until the next race. If I'm going to spend money on a car then I want to be able to drive it.

    I know multiple people haven't haven't touched the exterior of their car except to detail and wash it. I know a few people that DAILY a mid-high 10 second car...not that brightest of ideas, but none the less, they are streetable. This isn't the fucking 70's anymore where a quick car is hardly streetable because of 5 mpg.


    Its already fast enough for me and my experience, or lack there of.



    Maybe you should invest your time in money into actually getting it to run.


    But then again, maybe you could throw that supercharger on their, and it would run awesome!:dumb:

  11. I'd say go with a C5. Going to have good handling with a little amount of money thrown into the suspension, same with speed, parts for C5's aren't cheap however. Shit, they are fun in stock form. I would rock a C5 Z in a heartbeat. Or try and find one that was already built, but that's just me. I love Porsche's but to me the cheaper ones aren't as fun for what you pay, they handle well, but I'm a big guy, a Porsche just seems too small in my eyes, most models in that price range I would assume.

    DSM..never owned one, but all my die-hard DSM friends hate the reliability issue...

    But just my 2 cents.

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