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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. If you werent such a condescensing prick people would like you
  2. Driving old Jeeps that leak oil, burn oil, and get shit fuel economy daily because it's a "project" also harms the environment. I think a greater harm to the environment is the collective pile of old ass beaters that are miraculously on the road still. The leak oil into our rivers and waterways, burn excessive fuel and oil, the emissions systems are disregarded due to the owner being unable financially, or unwilling to fix it. Id bet geetos rusty clunker of a jeep does far worse on an emissions test than a tdi properly calibrated to not cheat emissions.
  3. We never weren't good.
  4. Since you speak in GIF's on occasion http://i.imgur.com/It7xugI.gif
  5. I have a lunchbox sized fist that can fix that for you.
  6. Geeesammy

    Windows 10

    Yea I will say with my dedicated boot ssd my loadup times from a cold start to desktop is like 5 seconds tops.
  7. Geeesammy

    Windows 10

    Only issues ive had was start menu not working constantly and my keyboard is a little fucky, it randomly disconnects at inopportune times in arma 3 even though its plugged in. That said i picked up 10%ish fps gains across the board going from 7-10. Unsure why, i didnt change anything.
  8. The whole car looks great, but the door appliques really pop now. I don't even see new ones that come in to replace a broken one look that good. Great work!
  9. Yep. I avoid scheduling classes there. Ill go to Delaware or others first.
  10. I hope to god this gains traction and sticks. Ive always felt uneasy at cscc. Dudes at night are always huddled up in a group in some dark corner mumbling in a language.
  11. I'd just go to the dealer. Rumor is that some batteries plus do it, I have no experience first hand though.
  12. Any diagnostic issue you need to verify first. Start with clearing the codes and see if they return. If they do try and backtrack mentally where you were, what you took apart and if anything could have been stretched or knicked while you were working. I think P0036 is the heated element for the downstream O2, I don't know for certain off the top of my head though. P0456 is likely as you said related to the fuel cap issue. Clear the codes, see if they return.
  13. You aren't alone in feeling that way after reading his posts.
  14. I have used a torpedo and propane heater. Keep the door open 6-8" and youre fine. Propane vapors are heavier than air.
  15. Get me a beer and a warm wet hole is just that. Hit the lights and make sure you got a fresh shave. I figure Urban's thought process will be similar when he rams it into Sabans ass on Jan. 9
  16. I could think about it. It would depend on my attachment to the car and how much I realistically drive it. I would more than likely do it so long as it was put into writing any damages that occurred to the vehicle during its tenure in the venue would be covered by either the owner of the venue or their insurance provider. QSL would scare the shit out of me, too many people around and alcohol thrown into the mix usually ends poorly. A museum would be a little less worry-some.
  17. Lost my dad in 2011, I was 19. In Feb/March of 2010 he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, basically the same situation as it seems you are in. Looking back I regret a lot. All I can say is treasure every moment. Watching and listening to a parent fucking die on a hospice bed is nothing I would wish on anyone and hope no one else has to go through. A lot more I could say/talk about after a few beers, If you want to grab one and chat feel free to PM me.
  18. So geeto since its basically confirmed he was following ISIS due to their propoganda is it okay since we dont censor that and we should since its "hate speech"? Or is it only right leaning folks who do the hate speaking?
  19. You're overweight because you insist on eating a shit diet. Plenty of diets out there that help you lose weight without a rigorous excersice routine, ketogenic requires nothing more than walking a few minutes a day, staying hydrated and not eating carb loaded sugary shit and dairy.
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