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Everything posted by cstmg8

  1. cstmg8


    I love these CR history lessons for us relative newbies!
  2. LSX Gm 3.8 w/ boost Cheby 350, considered LS I know, but this motor was put in so many vehicles the parts availability is ridiculous, and has to be one of the cheapest $/HP options out there. Ford 5.0
  3. I'm guessing the SD card would come up "damaged".
  4. IF that is the case, it sounds like you should buy after the first of the year and change your tax status next year to have less withheld.
  5. Anyone else just looking at the aquarium in the background??
  6. cstmg8

    Walking Dead

    Can't believe she died, but glad Daryl avenged her lol
  7. Surgery already scheduled for tomorrow, fractured ankle.
  8. cstmg8


    Happy Thanksgiving CR! 3 meals for me to get to, luckily one was yesterday. Anyone have more?
  9. cstmg8

    Gentle giant

    Yeah, at 6 o clock, there were about a hundred people marching from Franklin Park, but none of them seemed rowdy. Basically I got 3 hours of overtime to eat a hamburger and watch some people chant with their signs. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/11/25/7c115055ef92a4225661a4e364deffbe.jpg
  10. Cool little car, has to be a blast. Wannabe trans am hood is atrocious.
  11. Air mattress in the back of the 4runner.
  12. cstmg8

    Gentle giant

    Check my earlier post, supposedly there are a bunch of crazies posting about violence in Franklin Park on Broad Street tonight.
  13. cstmg8

    Gentle giant

    Agreed on dash cams. So no one sees any local group protest info?
  14. Cool story. Dog definitely looks like he's in a better situation.
  15. cstmg8

    Gentle giant

    Sorry, to clarify, I have no social media accounts. I was wondering if anyone had seen the posts calling for violence?
  16. cstmg8

    Gentle giant

    Good grief, any of you guys on Facebook seeing the local yahoos planning protests? Thanks to a combo of the crazies on social media, and unreasonable panic from equally crazies in our building, I have to come back to work to keep the building on lockdown in case the franklin park protest gets out of hand.
  17. cstmg8

    Gentle giant

    Amazing, almost like everything on social media isn't fact! Sorry, didn't mean to bring anyone's world crashing down.
  18. Heard this on the radio, unbelievable how lucky this kid is.
  19. Thanks for cleaning that up. Yeah, even though I'm sure it was meticulously planned, you'd have to be scared shitless pulling under that truck.
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