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Everything posted by cstmg8

  1. Do this. BTW Clay, when can I have the keys?
  2. Just FYI, a guy that works for me just bought a new q50, and if I recall correctly, there's a little knob behind the shifter that controls all the electronics. I could be wrong.
  3. cstmg8

    Daily growler.

    Just downloaded it, pretty cool. I wanted to go ahead and enter some beers I've had, but it thinks I drank them all today lol. I'd definitely like to make it to some brew meetups. I've got the baby tonight, but I'll definitely watch the thread.
  4. I used to play indoor soccer at the soccer barn at easton, seems like I remember seeing some flag football there a few years ago.
  5. Very nice, now get it outta that wet weather!
  6. http:// Sara X's Very Sara X-Mas B-Roll - JINGLE BOOBS 20…: http://youtu.be/vQH8g6oiBU0
  7. Did you tell him OSU Is getting Mr Ohio! Lol big deal, it doesn't even make them top of their recruiting class, though they are great players. Speaking of which, does anyone else think it's odd that all these qb's sign with OSU at the same time? I know this year was a prime example of "anything can happen", but I'm surprised they don't want to go somewhere that they will see more playing time. OSU has a senior star, freshman star, and now a very capable sophomore in Jones. I don't even know who the freshman qb Collier is. Will these incoming freshman see playing time in the next couple years? Will Burrows even be used as a qb?
  8. Looks like proverb has a 614 number, but I can't find a local on their website.
  9. I know there have been previous threads on this, but I would also like a current recommendation.
  10. Is this the same one that was posted a while back, where there was a big locked barn on the property and it was filled with car?. I never heard anything about those finally being auctioned?? Pretty impressive list, at least the ones I've heard of lol
  11. Going to try to make quaker steak, but hangout is doubtful. One of these days!
  12. Well, Hayley got a flu shot, I didn't, we are both down and out today. Puked our brains out all night Shot or no shot, beware!
  13. Ditto, its owned by the farm just south of 270 on 23.
  14. Wtf, intake flappers? Are these in the book next to turn signal fluid? Must google.
  15. LOL Trish. Quit being a little bitch and turn in your man card! Hey, could you give it to me? Mine could use updating with some of your skills! You've probably been sneak'n round the neighborhood taking unauthorized car pics, and finally got busted!
  16. Haha, first I've seen them, but I liked "dunked on". Makes me want to go out and get an old school lowering rim and get my dunk on in the driveway like its 1995! (And pull every muscle in my body I'm sure lol)
  17. On3 may be able to help, I believe they make a forward facing set.
  18. OSU v bama will get higher ratings than the cg. Lol
  19. Any luck op? May need to pull a few switch/outlet covers off and use a flashlight to look for burnt/disconnected wires.
  20. Lou Holtz needs to backhand him like those vids we've been seeing. #markmaybitchslap
  21. He's saying big ten is overrated, and has bama, Oregon, TCU, and fsu
  22. If OSU doesn't get in, is CR meeting somewhere so we can burn down our favorite race shops, parts stores, and maybe docs hangout!!??! ,............. Too soon??
  23. I think weekly rankings was a mistake for them. Maybe do a beginning rank, then halfway?
  24. Tough call on playoffs. TCU never should have been #3, but how do you drop a team with a solid win??
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