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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Awesome! Thanks fellas. And thank you, Doc. She broke my will at last.
  2. Hi all, My mother-in-law wants to put a back-up camera in her 2011 Rav. Any recommendations for a good shop to get a nice cleanly-installed backup cam? Thanks! Ben
  3. Well no, that wouldn't do it because the officer isn't a witness to the crime - he is a witness to a video of an alleged crime. He can't authenticate the video (testify about what it shows) because he has no independent personal knowledge of what it shows because he was not an eyewitness to the actual event. In other words, in order to be sure a video is genuine and present it or to talk about what it shows in court, you need the testimony of either the person who made the video or an eyewitness to the event. In the case of an automated camera, there is no person to cross examine about what the video really shows because no person shot the video. Also, unless you have a cop on the corner watching or someone monitoring the live feed from the camera, there's no witness. I should note that several jurisdictions have disagreed with me on these points. But, in my view they're wrong and simply placing expedience and the perceived need to collect dollars over the guarantees of our Constitution and the rules of evidence. Now there is, I must admit, a pretty good argument to be made that human witnesses are a lot more fallible that automated video cameras. But, the solution, if you want to allow this kind of evidence without witness verification, is to change the law, not to ignore it. But there's a danger in that too. For instance, it's pretty easy to produce a fake video or photograph these days. If we don't insist that the maker of the video or photograph come in to court and testify that it really shows what it purports to show (authenticity), we could end up with a pretty unfair system. Imagine trying to defend yourself from an allegation of a crime where there is a video that shows you doing the crime but you know you didn't do it and you can't identify or cross-examine whoever made the video and there's no human witness to verify or dispute what the video apparently shows. Starting to see why we have the right to confront the witnesses against you? I'm glad the Ohio legislature has taken the action they have to secure, by legislative enactment, the rights which we already had under both the Ohio and federal constitutions. But I'm also saddened that they had to.
  4. How old is your battery? Sounds like ground is the most likely culprit based on previous posts. But some modern cars turn off stuff like defrosters and heated seats when the battery gets old.
  5. A. The effective date of the statute is, or should be, irrelevant. Traffic cameras without human witnesses or operators violate the confrontation clause of the U.S. Constitution. Always have. (I am aware however, that several jursidictions have ignored this point of law in order to extract money from the citizenry.) B. If you were already across the stop line when the light turned red you are fine. A steady red signal requires one to stop at the stop line and refrain from entering the intersection. See, Ohio Rev. Code 4511.13. If you are already across the line when it turns, this is a physical impossibility. You cannot be criminally liable for failing to do that which it is impossible to do. This isn't legal advice or and official statement. Just my informal $.02 as a concerned citizen.
  6. So.... What did your wife say?
  7. Correct. I wouldn't bother with a power of attorney. The amount of work and original signature-collection involved in getting a power of attorney is just as bad as having him sign the transfer of title. As to how you have him sign the transfer of title, that's up to you and how much you trust him. But if you've got possession of the car and a good paper trail I can't see him causing a problem. What's he going to do, get the title from you, then pretend the car is his, and then come 3000mi to steal it from your garage? Even though you've had it for months and he's never reported it stolen? Even though you presumably have evidence that you paid him for it? Even though this thread and no doubt all kinds of other evidence exists documenting the situation? Not saying its a situation without risk. People do stupid, short-sighted, greedy, and just plain inexplicable shit all the time. But looking at it rationally, it would make the most sense for him to just sign the thing and send it back.
  8. Agree 100%. I was looking to buy a Porsche some time ago and went to a local dealer who will remain nameless. He cheerfully offered to sell me one I liked for 45k. I told him "no" in light of the fact that the same thing was available in better condition with lower miles in New York State for 33k. Got kinda bent and said it was non negotiable. So I said "goodbye." Two months later, I see the thing for sale by the same dealer on eBay. Auction ends at 32k reserve not met. I call and offer 33k. He tells me he still wants at least 40k and he can get more at auction. I let him in on the fact that I know about the eBay auction. He still insists he'll get 40k. Maybe he will... But not from me. And, though I haven't checked recently I know the thing spent at least 6 months on the lot. I wish I could say this was unique. But too many dealers seem to have a self-defeating level of greed.
  9. Well he was 83. Not that early. P.S. If you have not seen the old Spock vs. New Spock Audi commercial you are seriously missing out. ► 2:44 Zachary Quinto vs. Leonard Nimoy: "The Challenge" - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPkByAkAdZs
  10. Is this shit real? An excellent condition Lexus less than a decade old for less than 3000?
  11. I've had good luck with craigslist. There are deals to be had if you are willing to be patient, flexible about what you want, and know your components. If you want a 29er fatty though it may be tough because those are a relatively recent development. I also would worry about carbon frame off-road bikes in the used market. Potential for cracks etc. Good luck though!
  12. Ben

    Body Work Help!

    Additional Update: Girlfriend's SUV had some scuffs, gouges, and cracks in the bumper. Took it to Kevin and two days later, it was like new. Also, his shop suffered a frozen/burst water pipe during the job but he still got the job done on time. One would have to be crazy to go anywhere else in my opinion.
  13. POLL: You have a choice. You can: (a) Drive this car every day, forsaking all others, everywhere you go, for 10 years. (b) Cut off a toe.
  14. Yes I get it. Hence the comment that one would have to be a real idiot to walk around like that.
  15. Sweet! I've heard of a mobile home. But a mobile manor? Now that would be something to see.:gabe:
  16. Agreed. This is super fucking scary. I actually find it scarier in a car though... Harder to move out of the way. Also, doubt anyone will fault you for splitting to avoid an accident.
  17. Ever drive in Greece or Italy? Widespread splitting is nerve wracking as hell and dangerous for everyone. Lanes are wider than cars because people kinda suck at maintaining course. Remember that scene in the third Indiana Jones movie when they go between the two converging ships? I once saw a motorcyclist in Athens experience something similar between two busses. Not good.
  18. Hammer already cocked back? Although you'd have to be VERY stupid to wander around with a gun in that state.
  19. Ben

    Gentle giant

    Apparently I grossly overestimated the ability of some folks to have a conversation without resorting to ad hominem attacks.... Nevertheless, let me try just one more time. This isn't about whether Brown went looking for trouble - he did. It isn't even particularly about Wilson. My comments are designed to ask why you think, as many of you seem to, that police have a right, superior to any other citizen, to deal death when threatened. So that's the question. What do you think? And, then, why?
  20. Ben

    Body Work Help!

    Goods to meet you too. And thank you again for a job well done! I will be sure to recommend you to anyone I know who needs any kind of body or paint work!
  21. Ben

    Body Work Help!

    Update: Kevin Clifford is a miracle worker! In just a few days he straightened a front quarter panel, replaced a bumper cover, repaired a headlight (broken brackets), and got the car looking perfect again. Paint match was perfect, body work was perfect. He even removed hazing from the lights (no extra charge). And he did it all at a reasonable price. Thank you all for the recommendation! BEFORE: http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb260/btracy5069/20141125_092033.jpg AFTER: http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb260/btracy5069/IMG_1466.jpg
  22. Ben

    Gentle giant

    When I said "seen" I meant "seen" professionally. Not read about on the news or on Google. I have no doubt you can probably find news stories about such things on the interweb (after all, what can't you find on the interweb). But, based on personal experience, I doubt it outstrips gun homicides.
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