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Posts posted by Coaster

  1. Hell, I consider going out on my kayaks, boating.


    I spent at least 10 years power boating. Now we just have kayaks and I think I enjoy my time on the water more.


    No maintenance, no gas, no launch ramp lines, and no one asks to go out with us (without their own boat). Best of all we get to use parts of the lakes that are abandoned because bigger boats can't get there.

  2. We have Farmers and had no problems with a full roof replacement for hail damage or when my truck got broken into.


    Here is some of the hail by the way. Poor little suzuki looked like it had been parked on a driving range.


  3. Not sure if serious?


    I guess I don't know if it is 'legal' in Ohio but there are TONS of people that grill on their boats in the swim area at Alum every weekend. Not with a full-size propane grill but with camper grills that do just fine for a few people.



    I've seen full size propane grills on pontoons...

  4. One thing to be aware of is while I don't think Auto-x is there yet, more and more car groups are cracking down and not allowing motorcycle helmets at car events.


    I want to go with an SA helmet, and while I'd love to buy online I'm just worried about sizing.

  5. If anyone is looking to get into this, but has never done it before, I highly recommend the Beginner's School on 4/12. I did it about 4 years ago and it was a tremendous help. There's no pressure and you'll get a ton of one-on-one teaching.


    Saved the date on my calendar! Hopefully our new ride will be here before then.



    Does anyone have recommendations for where to shop for helmets in Columbus?

  6. Wonder if Grant Imahara will be involved since he's no longer on Mythbusters.


    It will be interesting to see what Grant and the rest of the Mythbusters B list move on to doing. IMHO they overshadowed Jamie and Adam for several seasons even though they had the smaller budget.

  7. 1991 Pontiac 6000 LE - 67k miles when I got it. My parents worked at a salvage yard and it was wrecked. Needed a new windshield and roof. $1800 for the car and all the parts. My dad had a body shop before he died and his former partner did the labor for free.



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