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Posts posted by Coaster

  1. Wife hit a piece of approx. 3" pipe some jackass lost on 71N. It was laying nearly all the way across her lane and it was dark so impossible to see until the last second.


    $260 - 1 Tire (Thanks Derek!)

    $125 - 2 bent rims (Thanks Wheel Medic!)

    $140 - Alignment and inspection


    $525 because securing loads is hard.



    Two weeks later someone in the lane next to her hit a pothole and threw a chunk of asphalt into the side of the car and took two dime sized chunks out of the paint on the door.



    Then this weekend someone changing lanes in front of us hit a chunk of tire and kicked it up. Smashed the license plate cover and still bent the plate.



    Just don't drive for a while, that's my opinion.

  2. Do you have a link?




    As far as parking lots:


    This gives a private entity the right to post their parking lot or parking facility. This violation is not criminal in nature. The private entity would need to sue a subject in civil court and be able to prove that the violation caused a loss to their entity. To date there have been no cases of a business suing an individual over this matter.
  3. Thus committing a felony consider Easton is posted for no Firearms...


    It's only a felony if you take it into say a Gov. Building. or any of the places enumerated in the ORC.


    A private business it's basically a misdemeanor trespassing charge.


    Lots of parking lots around Easton that are not posted at all so would be just fine.

  4. I've bought and sold a couple this way.


    I just always met them in a busy parking lot, gun stores work well.


    I've never dealt with a long gun but handguns I usually just do the deal with my passenger door open on the truck. You can set the gun on the seat and handle it behind the door without anyone seeing what you're doing.

  5. Noted. This includes anything on different routers from the same modem?


    It's always a good idea to change the default passwords. Let me try to explain how port forwarding works though as quickly as possible.



    If you had one computer and it was directly connected to the internet (which is a BAD idea) you would have an IP address 123.456.789.1 and all ports accessible (65K of them). You would talk to a specific application on that computer with 123.456.789.1:80 for instance, where 80 is the port.


    If you are behind a router that 123.456.789.1 will go to the router, the computer is hidden behind an internal address e.g. If you try to connect to from the internet you will not get to your computer. If you try to access 123.456.789.1:80 from the internet you will not get anything either since your asking the firewall for it's application on port 80.


    This is where port forwarding comes in. You tell the router to forward any traffic it gets on a given port to port 80. You can use a different port on the firewall than what the application actually runs on. We'll use port 8888 as an example.


    So we tell the router whatever you get on port 8888 send it over to So now when we access 123.456.789.1:8888 from the internet it will work. Only the single port that is forwarded from the computer is exposed to the internet, all other ports stop at the firewall.


    You can forward many different ports to many different computers on the internal network.


    Going to whatismyip.com will always give you the internet address of your router, 123.456.789.1 in this case. Since you are probably not paying for a static internet IP this address is subject to change, it all depends on your ISP how often that happens. I've had the same one for well over a year. The solution to this is DynamicDNS which is a whole other subject.


    If you are port forwarding you want to setup the internal address for that device as a static address so it never changes, otherwise you may end up forwarding the port to a different computer.



    Clear as mud? ;)

  6. just do it yourself, get a drill and drill through the casing in multiple locations


    Since it's not state secret stuff and the NSA already has all your data. Drill 3-4 holes through the platters, smash with a hammer a few times until you feel better. Done.

  7. I like my S4. The edge is neat, but I don't think I'd pay extra for it over the regular one.


    No removable battery is a deal breaker unless it's easy to open and install a new one. Every phone I've owned has needed the battery replaced at some point in it's life.


    I can live without the SD card as long as they offer a 128GB model.

  8. PoE is the way to go.


    I just built my own system. I got a couple PoE cams of Amazon, an 8 port PoE injector, and run BlueIris on a server that I already ran 24/7. Took some playing with to get the motion detection working the way I wanted.


    Hardest part really is connecting to the cameras default IP address for the first time to get in and change its settings to work on the network. The software that comes with the cams is complete garbage for the most part.

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